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Vol. 26:2 (2020) ► pp.265297
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Cited by three other publications

Bonato, Vanessa, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio & Federica Vezzani
2024. A Novel Approach to Semic Analysis: Extraction of Atoms of Meaning to Study Polysemy and Polyreferentiality. Languages 9:4  pp. 121 ff. DOI logo
Vezzani, Federica
2023. La connotation du vocabulaire somatique : une étude de cas comparative bilingue en oncologie. Meta 68:1  pp. 97 ff. DOI logo
Vezzani, Federica, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio & Rute Costa
2023. ISO standards for terminology resources management. Digital Translation 10:2  pp. 233 ff. DOI logo

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