Lefever, Els & Ayla Rigouts Terryn
Computational Terminology. In
New Advances in Translation Technology [
New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],
► pp. 141 ff.

Condamines, Anne, Marie-Pierre Escoubas Benveniste & Silvia Federzoni
Apport d’un corpus de presse spécialisé parallèle français/italien à l’analyse des marqueurs et de la relation de méronymie.
Éla. Études de linguistique appliquée N° 208:4
► pp. 429 ff.

Hörberg, Thomas, Maria Larsson & Jonas K. Olofsson
The Semantic Organization of the English Odor Vocabulary.
Cognitive Science 46:11

Repar, Andraž, Vid Podpečan, Anže Vavpetič, Nada Lavrač & Senja Pollak
Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication ► pp. 93 ff.

Du, Jiali, Christina Alexantris & Pingfang Yu
Towards Chinese Terminology Application of TERMONLINE. In
Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Software and Systems Engineering [
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 271],
► pp. 190 ff.

Croijmans, Ilja, Iris Hendrickx, Els Lefever, Asifa Majid & Antal Van Den Bosch
Uncovering the language of wine experts.
Natural Language Engineering 26:5
► pp. 511 ff.

Martinez-Rodriguez, Jose L., Aidan Hogan, Ivan Lopez-Arevalo & Andreas Hotho
Information extraction meets the Semantic Web: A survey.
Semantic Web 11:2
► pp. 255 ff.

Ngo, The Quyen, My Linh Ha, Thi Minh Huyen Nguyen, Thi Mai Huong Hoang & Viet Hung Nguyen
Towards a UMLS-Integratable Vietnamese Medical Terminology. In
Computational Linguistics [
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1215],
► pp. 388 ff.

Repar, Andraž, Matej Martinc & Senja Pollak
Reproduction, replication, analysis and adaptation of a term alignment approach.
Language Resources and Evaluation 54:3
► pp. 767 ff.

Rigouts Terryn, Ayla, Véronique Hoste & Els Lefever
In no uncertain terms: a dataset for monolingual and multilingual automatic term extraction from comparable corpora.
Language Resources and Evaluation 54:2
► pp. 385 ff.

Rigouts Terryn, Ayla, Véronique Hoste & Els Lefever
Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication 27:2
► pp. 254 ff.

Rigouts Terryn, Ayla, Véronique Hoste & Els Lefever
Tagging terms in text.
Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication 28:1
► pp. 157 ff.

Shvedenko, V. N., O. V. Shchekochikhin & Y. A. Sinkevich
A Methodology of Constructing a Distributed Information System for Searching for Scientific and Technical Information Based on an Object Data Model.
Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics 54:5
► pp. 243 ff.

Шведенко, В.Н., Shvedenko, V.N., О.В. Щекочихин, О.V. Shchekochikhin, Е.А. Синкевич & Е.А. Sinkevich
Методология построения распределенной информационной системы поиска научно-технической информации на основе объектной модели данных.
Научно-техническая информация. Серия 2: Информационные процессы и системы :9
► pp. 7 ff.

Dash, Niladri Sekhar & L. Ramamoorthy
Corpus and Machine Translation. In
Utility and Application of Language Corpora,
► pp. 193 ff.

Horák, Aleš, Vít Baisa, Adam Rambousek & Vít Suchomel
A New Approach for Semi-Automatic Building and Extending a Multilingual Terminology Thesaurus.
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 28:02
► pp. 1950008 ff.

Hoste, Veronique, Klaar Vanopstal, Ayla Rigouts Terryn & Els Lefever
The Trade-off between Quantity and Quality. Comparing a Large Crawled Corpus and a Small Focused Corpus for Medical Terminology Extraction.
Across Languages and Cultures 20:2
► pp. 197 ff.

Kessler, Remy, Nicolas Bechet & Giuseppe Berio
2019 First International Conference on Digital Data Processing (DDP),
► pp. 22 ff.

Mennes, Julie, Ted Pedersen & Els Lefever
Approaching terminological ambiguity in cross-disciplinary communication as a word sense induction task: a pilot study.
Language Resources and Evaluation 53:4
► pp. 889 ff.

Tien, Ha Nguyen, Quyen Ngo The, Huyen Nguyen Thi Minh & Linh Ha My
Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology - SoICT 2019,
► pp. 56 ff.

Desmet, Bart & Véronique Hoste
Online suicide prevention through optimised text classification.
Information Sciences 439-440
► pp. 61 ff.

Macken, Lieve & Arda Tezcan
Mennes, Julie
SenseDisclosure: A new procedure for dealing with problematically ambiguous terms in cross-disciplinary communication.
Language Sciences 69
► pp. 57 ff.

Vandepitte, Sonia & Els Lefever
Translation as a multilingual activity in the digital era.
Revue française de linguistique appliquée Vol. XXIII:2
► pp. 59 ff.

Zhao, Chongchong, Chao Dong & Xiaoming Zhang
ROCP: A Rapid Ontology Construction Platform from Unstructured Data.
Data Science Journal 17

Oliver, Antoni
A system for terminology extraction and translation equivalent detection in real time.
Machine Translation 31:3
► pp. 147 ff.

Lefever, Els
A hybrid approach to domain-independent taxonomy learning.
Applied Ontology 11:3
► pp. 255 ff.

Xiong, Deyi, Fandong Meng & Qun Liu
Topic-based term translation models for statistical machine translation.
Artificial Intelligence 232
► pp. 54 ff.

Hanoulle, Sabien, Véronique Hoste & Aline Remael
The efficacy of terminology-extraction systems for the translation of documentaries.
Perspectives 23:3
► pp. 359 ff.

Lefever, Els, Marjan Van de Kauter & Véronique Hoste
Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication 20:2
► pp. 250 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 30 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.