Acquisition of canonical and non-canonical word orders in L1 Turkish
While some studies on child language acquisition demonstrate that the properties of syntax are acquired before syntax-pragmatics interface and the children experience difficulties in several aspects of pragmatic language use, some others, report early sensitivity to the syntax-pragmatics interface. This study aims to explore whether the syntax-before-pragmatics argument can account for acquisition of Turkish word order by examining the syntactic and pragmatic word order preferences of Turkish children. The data obtained from 12 Turkish monolingual children aged between 2;0–6;0 reveal that at 2;0, Turkish children show sensitivity to the syntax-pragmatics interface and use various word orders in line with their pragmatic intentions and the pragmatic constraints of their language increase with the age.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
2.Syntactic and pragmatic development in the acquisition of L1 word order
- 3.Acquisition of Turkish word order
- 4.Word order in Turkish
- 5.Pragmatic considerations in Turkish
- 6.The study
- 7.Results and discussion
- 8.Conclusion
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