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Language Impairment in Multilingual Settings: LITMUS in action across Europe
Edited by Sharon Armon-Lotem and Kleanthes K. Grohmann
[Trends in Language Acquisition Research 29] 2021
► pp. 1346
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Cited by six other publications

Lindgren, Josefin
2023. Age and task type effects on comprehension and production of narrative macrostructure: storytelling and retelling by Swedish-speaking children aged 6 and 8. Frontiers in Communication 8 DOI logo
Bohnacker, Ute & Natalia Gagarina
2020. Cross-linguistic development of narrative comprehension from A to Z. In Developing Narrative Comprehension [Studies in Bilingualism, 61],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Bohnacker, Ute, Buket Öztekin & Josefin Lindgren
2020. Bilingual Turkish-Swedish children’s understanding of MAIN picture sequences. In Developing Narrative Comprehension [Studies in Bilingualism, 61],  pp. 99 ff. DOI logo
Gagarina, Natalia, Nathalie Topaj & Natalie Sürmeli
2020. Why do you think the boy would be unhappy if he saw what the cat was eating?. In Developing Narrative Comprehension [Studies in Bilingualism, 61],  pp. 231 ff. DOI logo
Lindgren, Josefin & Ute Bohnacker
2020. Inferential comprehension, age and language. In Developing Narrative Comprehension [Studies in Bilingualism, 61],  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo

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