Chapter 6
Structural priming in bilingual children
Structural priming has been heralded as an important methodological tool for investigating language
processing in young children. Despite the limited number of structural priming studies with bilingual children, the findings
from these studies have already provided important insights that inform our understanding of language acquisition and
bilingual language representation. Thus, this chapter provides an overview of the literature on structural priming in
bilingual children as well as identifies critical gaps in our knowledge base that suggest future directions for research. The
chapter begins with a discussion on cross-linguistic priming with adults, a body of literature that has raised important
developmental questions about the nature of syntactic representations in children. This chapter also suggests modifications to
a prominent model of bilingual language production to accommodate a broader range of bilingual speakers.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Cross-linguistic priming in bilingual adults: Evidence for shared syntax
- Within- and between-language priming in young bilinguals: Evidence for shared syntax
- Model of bilingual language production and remaining questions
- Structural priming and language experience
- Methodological features of priming studies with bilingual children
- Future directions for priming studies with bilingual children