Dictionary Visions, Research and Practice
Selected papers from the 12th International Symposium on Lexicography, Copenhagen 2004
This book is about dictionaries and dictionary making. In six thematic sections it presents nineteen contributions covering a wide field within lexicography: Online Lexicography, Dictionary Structure, Phraseology in Dictionaries, LSP Lexicography, Dictionaries and the User, plus Etymology, History and Culture in Lexicography. Some chapters focus on theoretical aspects, others report on dictionary work in the making, and still others compare and analyze existing dictionaries. Common to all authors, however, is the concern for the dictionary user. Trivial as it may seem, the fact that dictionaries are meant to fulfill the needs of specific user groups has only recently achieved widespread recognition in the lexicographical literature. This volume shows the many ramifications of this functional approach to lexicography by presenting twenty-two authors representing the state of the art in eleven countries: Canada, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Iceland, Israel, Latvia, The Netherlands, Poland, South Africa and Spain.
[Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 10] 2007. xii, 321 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 July 2008
Published online on 1 July 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface | pp. ix–xi
Online lexicography
Reliability of online bilingual dictionariesCristina Gelpí | pp. 3–12
Grammatische Angaben in elexiko und ihre ModellierungAnnette Klosa and Carolin Müller-Spitzer | pp. 13–37
Innovative phonetic interfaces for electronic dictionariesWłodzimierz Sobkowiak | pp. 39–52
Dictionary structure
Sublemmata or main lemmata: A critical look at the presentation of some macrostructural elementsRufus H. Gouws | pp. 55–69
Semantic aspects of reversal of a set of bilingual dictionariesAndrejs Veisbergs | pp. 71–79
Phraseology in dictionaries
Idiomatische Äquivalenzprobleme: Ein ikonoklastischer ZugangKen Farø | pp. 83–95
A bilingual electronic dictionary of idiomsErla Hallsteinsdóttir | pp. 97–106
LSP lexicography
Bringing corporate dictionary design into accord with corporate image: From words to messages and back againPatrick Leroyer | pp. 109–117
Design of a function-based internet accounting dictionarySandro Nielsen and Lise Mourier | pp. 119–135
Dictionaries and the user
What's so good or bad about advanced EFL dictionaries?K Dictionary Ltd | pp. 139–145
Glimpses into receptive dictionary use: Proficient learners' perspective. Rationale for the research perspectiveRenata Szczepaniak | pp. 147–164
The learner's dictionaries and grammar: A comparison.Geart van der Meer | pp. 165–181
Neuere Aspekte einer Theorie und Typologie von Wörterbuchartikeln und ihre PraxisrelevanzHerbert Ernst Wiegand | pp. 183–200
Etymology, history and culture in lexicography
Lexicographers as borrowers, or The importance of being CAMPArleta Adamska-Sałaciak | pp. 203–215
Politik und Sprachpolitik in der LexikographieHenning Bergenholtz and Sven Tarp | pp. 217–240
Revising German etymologies in the Oxford English DictionaryAndreas Gröger | pp. 241–257
Extracting usage information from 18th century English-Danish and Danish-English dictionariesMarcin Overgaard Ptaszyński | pp. 259–276
Dictionaries and cultureRoda P. Roberts | pp. 277–297
Glimpses of the future of English-based lexicographyArne Zettersten | pp. 299–318
Index | pp. 319–321
“This volume is a useful contribution to the field of lexicography as it deals with many current topics, research and the practice of dictionaries. Although the book included a wide variety of subjects and approaches, there is a common thread that runs through all the papers which is the desire to meet user needs and to exploit the advantages of new technologies.”
Esperanza Valero, Universitat Jaume I, Spain, in Terminology, Vol. 16:1 (2010)
“This volume makes interesting and useful reading for lexicographers working at different projects. It is certainly informative to discover what other lexicographers are engaged in, and how they solve their particular problems. Common elements, especially within the framework of computer-assisted and computerised lexicographical projects, can be found throughout the volume.”
Maria Smit, University of Stellenbosch, in Lexikos 18 (2008)
Main BIC Subject
CFM: Lexicography
Main BISAC Subject
LAN021000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Spelling & Vocabulary