Lexicography in the 21st Century
In honour of Henning Bergenholtz
This is a state-of-the-art volume on lexicography at the beginning of the 21st century. It also offers proposals for future theoretical and practical work. The contributions, inspired by the ground-breaking work of Henning Bergenholtz, address topics such as dictionary functions; dictionary users; access routes; dictionary structures; dictionary reviewing; subject-field classifications; data retrieval; corpus lexicography; and collocations and phraseology. The contributors, all highly regarded international scholars in the field of lexicography, show how the theory of lexicographical functions can extend the forefront of the discipline by focusing on dictionary functions and how these meet the needs of users in various types of user situations. Thereby echoing Bergenholtz’s idea that a dictionary is a tool that can help users solve problems encountered in communicative, cognitive and operative situations. This volume is not only of interest to practical and theoretical lexicographers but to anyone interested in lexicography.
[Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 12] 2009. xi, 341 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 25 September 2009
Published online on 25 September 2009
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Introduction: Nothing is more practical than a good theorySandro Nielsen and Sven Tarp | pp. ix–xi
Part I. The dictionary, dictionary structures and access routes
1. Sinuous lemma files in printed dictionaries: Access and lexicographic functionsRufus H. Gouws | pp. 3–21
2. Reviewing printed and electronic dictionaries: A theoretical and practical frameworkSandro Nielsen | pp. 23–41
3. Reflections on data access in lexicographic worksSven Tarp | pp. 43–62
4. Hybrid text constituent structures of dictionary articles: A contribution to the expansion of the theory of textual dictionary structuresHerbert Ernst Wiegand | pp. 63–89
Part II. Dictionary functions and users
5. On production-oriented information in Swedish monolingual defining dictionariesSven-Göran Malmgren | pp. 93–102
6. Balancing the tools: The functional transformation of lexicographic tools for touristsPatrick Leroyer | pp. 103–122
Chapter 7. Lexicography and language planning in Scandinavia and the NetherlandsLars S. Vikør | pp. 123–143
Part III. Subject-field classification and introductions
8. Subject-field classification of metalexicography revisitedBo Svensén | pp. 147–159
9. Systematic introductions in specialised dictionaries: Some proposals in relation to accounting dictionariesPedro A. Fuertes Olivera | pp. 161–178
Part IV. Data retrieval and corpus lexicography
10. The role of corpora in future dictionariesD. J. Prinsloo | pp. 181–206
11. Lexicographical data in natural-language systemsFranziskus Geeb | pp. 207–234
Part V. Collocations and phraseology
12. A methodology for describing collocations in a specialized dictionaryMarie-Claude L'Homme | pp. 237–256
13. Lexicographic description: An onomasiological approach on the basis of phraseologyJón Hilmar Jónsson | pp. 257–280
14. Item-specific syntagmatic relations in dictionariesThomas Herbst | pp. 281–308
15. Henning Bergenholtz: BibliovitaSandro Nielsen and Sven Tarp | pp. 309–334
Notes on contributors | pp. 335–337
Subject index | pp. 339–341
“I particularly appreciate the up-to-date treatment of the topics and the overall coherence of the individual contributions. They all add up to an informative text, which I recommend to anyone interested in lexicography. Henning Bergenholtz is one of the outstanding pioneers of lexicography. So it is not surprising that he has gained the respect not only of his fellow-workers, but lexicographers and metalexicographers from all over the world who are taking the opportunity to assess progress in the field to which he has brought so much over the years.”
R.R.K. Hartmann,
Honorary University Fellow, University of Exeter; Honorary Professor of Lexicography, University of Birmingham
“The papers are relevant contributions to the field of lexicography and contribute to the comprehensive scope of topics contained in this book, which addresses mainly lexicographers, but also anyone interested in lexicography. [...] This volume is a collection of interesting papers that sheds light on the research that is currently carried out in the field of lexicography. It brings together the expertise and in-depth knowledge of a number of highly regarded international scholars – thus, scientific interest is guaranteed. One of its strenghts is its wide subject scope, since each contribution is devoted to a specific topic – all unique. Even though the articles deal with a different topic, they are integrated and inter-linked to form a coherent whole. The structure of the book is highly appropriate and the editors have done a magnificent job in its distribution. [...] Lexicography in the 21st century. In honour of Henning Bergenholtz is a highly recommended book for lexicographers or linguists interested in lexicography who want to broaden and deepen their knowledge in the current research carried out by leading scholars in this field.”
Chelo Vargas, Universidad de Alicante, in Ibérica, Vol. 20 (2010)
“The book is written by some of the leading scholars in the world, which does justice to Henning Bergenholtz and also makes it hard to put ones finger on any of the contributions. Likewise, the bindings and the layout are more than satisfactory.”
Loránd-Levente Pálfi, Aarhus University, in Terminology Vol. 16:2 (2010)
Cited by (5)
Cited by five other publications
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Nielsen, Sandro & Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 19 july 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CFM: Lexicography
Main BISAC Subject
LAN021000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Spelling & Vocabulary