Starting out from the observation that comparisons and assessments of similarity and difference are fundamental cognitive processes and play an important role in a variety of human activities, this article shows that the most basic verbal means for the expression of similarity are demonstratives of manner, quality and degree (French ainsi, tel, tellement). It is shown that the gestural (exophoric) use of such demonstratives provides the source of a wide variety of constructions in a wide variety of languages, so that these demonstratives are instantiations of a semantic category of “similatives” par excellence. Building on earlier work by the same author, the article analyses and describes the wide-spread processes of grammaticalisation leading from exophorically used demonstratives to various types of anaphors, to quotatives, conjunctional adverbs, comparative constructions and to affirmative or approximative particles. The illustrations provided for these pervasive changes are mainly taken from European languages, but occasionally also enriched by exemplification from languages outside of Europe.
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Krasnoukhova, Olga. 2012. The Noun Phrase in the Languages of South America. Utrecht: LOT.
Letuchiy, Alexander B.2012. On some properties of sentential arguments in Russian. Voprosy Jazykoznanija 5.
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Stalnaker, Robert. 1968. A theory of conditionals. In Studies in Logical Theory, Nicholas Rescher (ed.), 98–112. Oxford: OUP.
Streek, Jürgen. 2002. Grammars, words, and embodies meanings: On the uses and evolution of so and like. Journal of Communication 52: 581–596
Treis, Yvonne. 2008. A Grammar of Kambaata (Ethiopia). Part 1: Phonology, Morphology and Non-Verbal Predication. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe.
Umbach, Carla. 2007. The role of so in equative comparison, Syntax and Semantics Conference CSSP, Paris.
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Wälchli, Bernhard & Cysouw, Michael. 2012. Lexical typology through similarity semantics. Linguistics 50 (3): 671–710.
Cited by (8)
Cited by eight other publications
Guz, Wojciech
2024. Quotative uses of Polish similative demonstratives. Linguistics 62:3 ► pp. 541 ff.
2022. On an idiosyncratic type of an Old English simile. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 54:2 ► pp. 235 ff.
Nunez, Joseph Jean François
2020. L'expression de la comparaison de supériorité en créole de Casamance. Études créoles :37 | 1-2
Chamoreau, Claudine
2019. Equative and similative constructions in Chibchan languages. Faits de Langues 50:1 ► pp. 157 ff.
Chamoreau, Claudine & Yvonne Treis
2019. Comparaisons d’égalité et de similitude : comme du pareil au même. Faits de Langues 50:1 ► pp. 9 ff.
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