Chapter 4
Voice and bare verbs in Colloquial Minangkabau
Minangkabau is an Austronesian language spoken primarily in West
Sumatra. Previous studies of voice and morphosyntax, which have largely relied on
elicitation-based methodology, suggest that Minangkabau can be characterised as an
Indonesian-type language since its active/passive voice system resembles that of
Malay/Indonesian. This study, which makes use of a corpus of naturalistic Minangkabau
data, finds that the use of bare verbs (i.e. verbs that are unmarked for voice) is
pervasive in informal and conversational contexts. Morphological underspecification for
voice in the naturalistic data suggests that Colloquial Minangkabau is a distinct
variety. The apparent optional nature of voice marking in Colloquial Minangkabau
indicates that its function is primarily semantic and conceptual, and that Colloquial
Minangkabau is better characterised as having a Sundic-type voice system.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Standard Minangkabau and Colloquial Minangkabau
- 2.1A focus on the standard
- 2.2A new focus: Naturalistic data
- 2.3Standard and Colloquial Minangkabau: Formal and functional differences
- 3.Voice in Standard Minangkabau
- 3.1An Indonesian-type language with a pivot function
- 3.2Active voice
- 3.2.1Canonical maN- clauses
- 3.2.2Non-canonical maN clauses
- 3.3Passive voice
- 3.3.1Canonical di clauses
- 3.3.2Non-canonical di clauses
- 3.4The P2 construction
- 3.4.1The Standard Minangkabau P2 construction
- 3.4.2Bare verbs and the P2 construction
- 4.Voice in Colloquial Minangkabau
- 4.1‘Sundic-type’ voice
- 4.2Bare verbs
- 4.3Bare verbs: Problems and explanations
- 4.3.1What is the function of voice marking in Colloquial Minangkabau?
- 4.3.2How are semantic roles determined?
- 4.3.3Associational semantics
- 5.Conclusion
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Alexander Adelaar & Antoinette Schapper
The Oxford Guide to the Malayo-Polynesian Languages of Southeast Asia,
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