Antipassive constructions were once thought to be
unique to languages with ergative/absolutive alignment. Subsequent
work demonstrated their existence in languages with
nominative/accusative alignment as well. Here antipassives are
described in languages with a third kind of system, agent/patient
patterning. The languages come from four genealogically and areally
unrelated families indigenous to North America: Siouan, Haida,
Pomoan, and Iroquoian. Antipassives in all three types of systems,
ergative, accusative, and agent/patient, serve similar semantic and
discourse functions, eliminating less topicworthy participants from
the core. But the perception of a special link to ergativity is not
unmotivated. Two explanations are given. One is the formal salience
of the shift in argument marking resulting from detransitivization
in ergative systems. The other is a by-product of syntactic
constructions which require absolutive status of one of the
arguments. In many cases antipassivization is exploited to meet this
requirement. These two factors are illustrated with material from
Hiligaynon, a language of the Philippines.
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 30 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.