Cited by (38)

Cited by 38 other publications

Krykoniuk, Kateryna, Michelle Aldridge-Waddon, Lise Fontaine & Seán G. Roberts
2024. Reference to Patients in Nurse Shift Handover Meetings: Exploring the Dynamics of Referring Expressions. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Peristeri, Eleni, Christina Fragkouli & Maria Andreou
2024. Ambiguous pronoun resolution in Greek-speaking preschool children. Language Acquisition  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Liu, Yan & Jinting Cai
2023. A longitudinal study of topic continuity in Chinese EFL learners’ written narratives. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:4  pp. 1507 ff. DOI logo
Hwang, Haerim
2022. Syntactico-semantic realizations of pronouns in the English transitive construction: A corpus-based analysis. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 18:1  pp. 115 ff. DOI logo
Beatty-Martínez, Anne L., Christian A. Navarro-Torres & Paola E. Dussias
2020. Codeswitching: A Bilingual Toolkit for Opportunistic Speech Planning. Frontiers in Psychology 11 DOI logo
Tai, Hsuan-Yu
2020. Variation of Nonstandard English Articles Among Chinese Speakers of English. English Teaching & Learning 44:1  pp. 45 ff. DOI logo
Frederiksen, Anne Therese & Rachel I. Mayberry
2019. Reference tracking in early stages of different modality L2 acquisition: Limited over-explicitness in novice ASL signers’ referring expressions. Second Language Research 35:2  pp. 253 ff. DOI logo
Frederiksen, Anne Therese & Rachel I. Mayberry
2022. Pronoun production and comprehension in American Sign Language: the interaction of space, grammar, and semantics. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 37:1  pp. 80 ff. DOI logo
Palancar, Enrique L.
2018. Subjects and focus in clefts. In Information structure in lesser-described languages [Studies in Language Companion Series, 199],  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
Givón, T.
2017. Zero, pronouns and clause-chaining: Toward a diachronic understanding. Lingua 185  pp. 96 ff. DOI logo
Givón, T.
2017. Cross-language priming: A view from bilingual speech. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 20:2  pp. 283 ff. DOI logo
Yang, Xiaohong, Xiuping Zhang, Cheng Wang, Ruohan Chang & Weijun Li
2017. The Interplay between Topic Shift and Focus in the Dynamic Construction of Discourse Representations. Frontiers in Psychology 8 DOI logo
Matsumoto, Mallory E.
2016. WI as a marker of pragmatic salience in the language of thekaqchikel chronicles. Transactions of the Philological Society 114:1  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
2016. Two languages, one effect: Structural priming in spontaneous code-switching. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 19:4  pp. 733 ff. DOI logo
Wu, Fuyun, Elsi Kaiser & Elaine Andersen
2010. Subject Preference, Head Animacy and Lexical Cues: A Corpus Study of Relative Clauses in Chinese. In Processing and Producing Head-final Structures [Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics, 38],  pp. 173 ff. DOI logo
Cowles, H. Wind, Matthew Walenski & Robert Kluender
2007. Linguistic and cognitive prominence in anaphor resolution: topic, contrastive focus and pronouns. Topoi 26:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Filippova, Katja & Michael Strube
2007. The German Vorfeld and Local Coherence. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16:4  pp. 465 ff. DOI logo
Pu, Ming-Ming
2007. The Distribution of Relative Clauses in Chinese Discourse. Discourse Processes 43:1  pp. 25 ff. DOI logo
Pu, Ming-Ming
2023. Beyond explicit references. In Individual Differences in Anaphora Resolution [Language Faculty and Beyond, 18],  pp. 94 ff. DOI logo
Mason, Marianne & Robert Mason
2006. Legal Standards for Establishing Concealment: A Theoretical Framework for Statistical Analysis. Police Quarterly 9:3  pp. 291 ff. DOI logo
Ariel, Mira
2004. Accessibility Marking: Discourse Functions, Discourse Profiles, and Processing Cues. Discourse Processes 37:2  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
Park, Hyeson
2004. A minimalist approach to null subjects and objects in second language acquisition. Second Language Research 20:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Ji, Shaojun
2002. Identifying episode transitions. Journal of Pragmatics 34:9  pp. 1257 ff. DOI logo
2001. Points of departure in news items and tourist brochures: Choices of theme and topic. Text - Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse 21:3 DOI logo
Kawaguchi, Satomi
1998. Referential choice in foreigner talk and in learners’ speech in Japanese. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. Series S 15  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Hoover, Michael L.
1997. Effects of textual and cohesive structure on discourse processing. Discourse Processes 23:2  pp. 193 ff. DOI logo
Culy, Christopher
1996. Null objects in English recipes. Language Variation and Change 8:1  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
Schmid, Monika S. & Dieter Stein
1996. Subjektivierung in markierter Wortstellung im Englischen. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 26:2  pp. 97 ff. DOI logo
Hartford, Beverly S.
1995. Zero Anaphora in Nonnative Texts. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 17:2  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
Sasaki, Miyuki
1991. An analysis of sentences with nonreferentialtherein spoken American English. <i>WORD</i> 42:2  pp. 157 ff. DOI logo
Chaudron, Craig & Kate Parker
1990. Discourse Markedness and Structural Markedness. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 12:1  pp. 43 ff. DOI logo
Tomlin, Russell S.
1990. Functionalism in Second Language Acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 12:2  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo
Williams, Jessica
1988. Zero Anaphora in Second Language Acquisition:A Comparison among Three Varieties of English. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 10:3  pp. 339 ff. DOI logo
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