Part of
Frequency and the Emergence of Linguistic Structure
Edited by Joan L. Bybee and Paul J. Hopper
[Typological Studies in Language 45] 2001
► pp. 337360
Cited by (59)

Cited by 59 other publications

Bybee, Joan & Earl Kjar Brown
2024. The role of constructions in understanding predictability measures and their correspondence to word duration. Cognitive Linguistics 35:3  pp. 377 ff. DOI logo
Storme, Benjamin
2024. French liaison is allomorphy, not allophony: evidence from lexical statistics. Morphology 34:4  pp. 415 ff. DOI logo
Storme, Benjamin
2024. Paradigm uniformity effects on French liaison. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 42:3  pp. 1307 ff. DOI logo
Ashby, William J. & Bonnie B. Fonseca-Greber
Beckner, Clay
2023. Multiword Units and the Detection of Statistical Patterns in French. In The Handbook of Usage‐Based Linguistics,  pp. 325 ff. DOI logo
2023. Repetition and Procedural Knowledge of Sound Patterns. In The Handbook of Usage‐Based Linguistics,  pp. 127 ff. DOI logo
Celata, Chiara & Frédéric Isel
2023. The Relationship between Production and Cognitive Processing of Liaison. Langue française N° 219:3  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
2023. Usage‐Based Theories and Construction of the Determiner‐Noun Group Among French‐Speaking Children. In The Handbook of Usage‐Based Linguistics,  pp. 289 ff. DOI logo
2023. The Future of Usage‐Based Sociolinguistics. In The Handbook of Usage‐Based Linguistics,  pp. 509 ff. DOI logo
Liégeois, Loïc
2021. Input effects on the acquisition of variation. In Sociolinguistic Variation and Language Acquisition across the Lifespan [Studies in Language Variation, 26],  pp. 21 ff. DOI logo
McBride, Adam F.
2021. Prenominal bon and bonne in French liaison and enchaînement: An acoustic description. Journal of French Language Studies 31:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Wong, Simpson W. L., Jessica Dealey, Vina W. H. Leung & Peggy P. K. Mok
2021. Production of English connected speech processes: an assessment of Cantonese ESL learners’ difficulties obtaining native-like speech. The Language Learning Journal 49:5  pp. 581 ff. DOI logo
Contreras Roa, Leonardo, Paolo Mairano, Marc Capliez & Caroline Bouzon
2020. Voice assimilation of morphemic -s in the L2 English of L1 French, L1 Italian and L1 Spanish learners. Anglophonia 30 DOI logo
Harnois-Delpiano, Mylène, Cristelle Cavalla & Jean-Pierre Chevrot
2019. Comparing French liaison acquisition in L1 children and L2 adults. Language, Interaction and Acquisition. Langage, Interaction et Acquisition 10:1  pp. 45 ff. DOI logo
Hsu, Brian
2019. Exceptional prosodification effects revisited in Gradient Harmonic Grammar. Phonology 36:2  pp. 225 ff. DOI logo
Meritan, Camille & Aurore Mroz
2019. Impact of self‐reflection and awareness‐raising on novice French learners’ pronunciation. Foreign Language Annals 52:4  pp. 798 ff. DOI logo
Pomino, Natascha & Elisabeth Stark
2019. Proper name-marking vialiaisonin French. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 72:4  pp. 627 ff. DOI logo
Thompson, Sandra A.
2019. Understanding ‘clause’ as an emergent ‘unit’ in everyday conversation. Studies in Language 43:2  pp. 254 ff. DOI logo
Thompson, Sandra A.
2021. Understanding ‘clause’ as an emergent ‘unit’ in everyday conversation. In Usage-based and Typological Approaches to Linguistic Units [Benjamins Current Topics, 114],  pp. 11 ff. DOI logo
Ågren, Malin & Joost van de Weijer
2019. The production of preverbal liaison in Swedish learners of L2 French. Language, Interaction and Acquisition. Langage, Interaction et Acquisition 10:1  pp. 117 ff. DOI logo
Mayer, Connor & Travis Major
2018. A Challenge for Tier-Based Strict Locality from Uyghur Backness Harmony. In Formal Grammar 2018 [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10950],  pp. 62 ff. DOI logo
Dalola, Amanda & Barbara E. Bullock
2017. ON SOCIOPHONETIC COMPETENCE. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 39:4  pp. 769 ff. DOI logo
De Vogelaer, Gunther, Jean-Pierre Chevrot, Matthias Katerbow & Aurélie Nardy
2017. Bridging the gap between language acquisition and sociolinguistics. In Acquiring Sociolinguistic Variation [Studies in Language Variation, 20],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
2017. La liaison en français contemporain: normes, usages, acquisitions. Journal of French Language Studies 27:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Michel Lange, Violaine, Pauline Pellet Cheneval, Grégoire Python & Marina Laganaro
2017. Contextual phonological errors and omission of obligatory liaison as a window into a reduced span of phonological encoding. Aphasiology 31:2  pp. 201 ff. DOI logo
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Ortega, Samuel A. Navarro
2017. Conclusion. In Comprehending and Speaking about Motion in L2 Spanish,  pp. 187 ff. DOI logo
Ortega, Samuel A. Navarro
2017. Sensitivity to the Path Conflation in Oral L2 Spanish. In Comprehending and Speaking about Motion in L2 Spanish,  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
Gustafson, Erin & Ann R. Bradlow
2016. French Speech Segmentation in Liaison Contexts by L1 and L2 Listeners. Laboratory Phonology 7:1 DOI logo
Barbu, Stéphanie, Aurélie Nardy, Jean-Pierre Chevrot, Bahia Guellaï, Ludivine Glas, Jacques Juhel & Alban Lemasson
2015. Sex Differences in Language Across Early Childhood: Family Socioeconomic Status does not Impact Boys and Girls Equally. Frontiers in Psychology 6 DOI logo
2015. Variable and invariable liaison in a corpus of spoken French. Journal of French Language Studies 25:3  pp. 367 ff. DOI logo
Enfield, N. J., Jack Sidnell & Paul Kockelman
2014. System and function. In The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology,  pp. 25 ff. DOI logo
Laks, Bernard, Basilio Calderone & Chiara Celata
2014. French liaison and the lexical repository. In Advances in Sociophonetics [Studies in Language Variation, 15],  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
Yao, Xinyue
2014. Developments in the Use of the English Present Perfect. Journal of English Linguistics 42:4  pp. 307 ff. DOI logo
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2013. Erfahrung zählt. Frequenzeff ekte in der Sprache–ein Werkstattbericht. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 43:1  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
2011. A diachronic frequency account of the allomorphy of some grammatical markers. Journal of Linguistics 47:1  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
Cǒté, Marie‐Hélène
2011. French Liaison. In The Blackwell Companion to Phonology,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Durand, Jacques, Bernard Laks, Basilio Calderone & Atanas Tchobanov
2011. Que savons-nous de la liaison aujourd'hui ?. Langue française n°169:1  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Krasovitsky, Alexander, Matthew Baerman, Dunstan Brown & Greville G. Corbett
2011. Changing semantic factors in case selection: Russian evidence from the last two centuries. Morphology 21:3-4  pp. 573 ff. DOI logo
Legallois, Dominique & Jacques François
2011. La Linguistique fondée sur l'usage : parcours critique. Travaux de linguistique n°62:1  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Loiseau, Sylvain
2011. Les faits statistiques comme objectivation ou comme interprétation : statistiques et modèles basés sur l'usage. Travaux de linguistique n°62:1  pp. 59 ff. DOI logo
2011. Learning to liaise and elidecomme il faut: evidence from bilingual children*. Journal of Child Language 38:4  pp. 701 ff. DOI logo
2009. Liaison acquisition, word segmentation and construction in French: a usage-based account. Journal of Child Language 36:3  pp. 557 ff. DOI logo
Bernd Heine & Heiko Narrog
2009. The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis, DOI logo
2008. French liaison in the light of corpus data. Journal of French Language Studies 18:1  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
Trofimovich, Pavel
2008. What Do Second Language Listeners Know About Spoken Words? Effects of Experience and Attention in Spoken Word Processing. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 37:5  pp. 309 ff. DOI logo
Shenk, Petra Scott
2006. The interactional and syntactic importance of prosody in Spanish-English bilingual discourse. International Journal of Bilingualism 10:2  pp. 179 ff. DOI logo
Bybee, Joan
2005. La liaison : effets de fréquence et constructions. Langages n° 158:2  pp. 24 ff. DOI logo
Howard, Martin
2005. L’acquisition de la liaison en français langue seconde. Corela :HS-1 DOI logo
2012. The Advanced Learner's Sociolinguistic Profile: On Issues of Individual Differences, Second Language Exposure Conditions, and Type of Sociolinguistic Variable. The Modern Language Journal 96:1  pp. 20 ff. DOI logo
Thompson, Sandra A. & Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
2005. The clause as a locus of grammar and interaction. Discourse Studies 7:4-5  pp. 481 ff. DOI logo
Thompson, Sandra A. & Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
2014. Language function. In The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology,  pp. 158 ff. DOI logo
Thompson, Sandra A. & Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
2020.  English why don’t you X as a formulaic expression. In Fixed Expressions [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 315],  pp. 99 ff. DOI logo
Ariel, Mira
2004. Accessibility Marking: Discourse Functions, Discourse Profiles, and Processing Cues. Discourse Processes 37:2  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
Hopper, Paul J. & Elizabeth Closs Traugott
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[no author supplied]
2017. Acquisition des liaisons nominales et verbales : de la lexicalisation à l’abstraction des constructions. Langue française N° 194:2  pp. 125 ff. DOI logo

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