Part of
New Reflections on Grammaticalization
Edited by Ilse Wischer and Gabriele Diewald
[Typological Studies in Language 49] 2002
► pp. 103120
Cited by (110)

Cited by 110 other publications

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Beijering, Karin
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2016. Multipleshifts. Functions of Language 23:1  pp. 40 ff. DOI logo
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Llopis Cardona, Ana
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Diewald, Gabriele
2015. Modal particles in different communicative types. Constructions and Frames 7:2  pp. 218 ff. DOI logo
E. Schulz, Monika
2015. Causer, recipient and possessor: the grammatical subject of get and the context-sensitivity of PHAVE. Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes :43  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
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2015. What can historical linguistics and experimental pragmatics offer each other?. Linguistics Vanguard 1:1  pp. 145 ff. DOI logo
Guéron, Jacqueline & Bridget Copley
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Killie, Kristin
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Smirnova, Elena
2015. Constructionalization and constructional change. In Diachronic Construction Grammar [Constructional Approaches to Language, 18],  pp. 81 ff. DOI logo
Suárez Hernández, Ariana
2015. Reseña de Diacronía de los marcadores discursivos y representación en un diccionario histórico / María Pilar Garcés Gómez. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, 2014. Revista de Historia de la Lengua Española :10  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Suárez Hernández, Ariana
2023. Construcciones formadas sobre la base duda: una perspectiva diacrónica. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas 41  pp. 213 ff. DOI logo
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2015. Lexicalization and grammaticalization. Functions of Language 22:2  pp. 232 ff. DOI logo
Zhan, Fangqiong & Elizabeth Closs Traugott
2015. The constructionalization of the Chinese cleft construction. Studies in Language 39:2  pp. 459 ff. DOI logo
Zhan, Fangqiong & Elizabeth Closs Traugott
Garcés Gómez, María Pilar
2014. Gramaticalización y tradiciones discursivas. Revue Romane. Langue et littérature. International Journal of Romance Languages and Literatures 49:2  pp. 264 ff. DOI logo
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2014. Newly Emerging Subordinators in Spoken/Written English. Australian Journal of Linguistics 34:1  pp. 118 ff. DOI logo
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2014. Transferability of semantic functions in contact-induced grammaticalization. Studies in Language 38:4  pp. 836 ff. DOI logo
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2022. The [有yǒu+ vp] construction in Singapore Mandarin. Chinese Language and Discourse. An International and Interdisciplinary Journal 13:2  pp. 275 ff. DOI logo
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs
2014. Toward a constructional framework for research on language change. Cognitive Linguistic Studies 1:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
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2014. Toward a constructional framework for research on language change. In Grammaticalization – Theory and Data [Studies in Language Companion Series, 162],  pp. 87 ff. DOI logo
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs
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Traugott, Elizabeth Closs
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Cheshire, Jenny
2013. Grammaticalisation in social context: The emergence of a new English pronoun. Journal of Sociolinguistics 17:5  pp. 608 ff. DOI logo
Whitt, Richard J.
2012. REVIEWS - Evidentiality in German: Linguistic Realization and Regularities in Grammaticalization. By Gabriele Diewald and Elena Smirnova. (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs228). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 2010. Pp. viii, 366. Hardcover. €99.95, $140.. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 24:2  pp. 187 ff. DOI logo
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