Part of
Reported Discourse: A meeting ground for different linguistic domains
Edited by Tom Güldemann and Manfred von Roncador
[Typological Studies in Language 52] 2002
► pp. 143172
Cited by (20)

Cited by 20 other publications

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Mañas Navarrete, I., E. Rosado Villegas, S. Mujcinovic & N. Fullana Rivera
2024. Acquisition of modal readings of the Imperfect tense in L2 Spanish. Language Acquisition  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Del Barrio de la Rosa, Florencio
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2020. Evidentiality of court judgments in the People’s Republic of China: A semiotic perspective. Semiotica 2020:236-237  pp. 477 ff. DOI logo
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2018. The Oxford Handbook of Evidentiality, DOI logo
Llopis Cardona, Ana
2018. The Spanish quotative según across written genres. In Perspectives on Evidentiality in Spanish [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 290],  pp. 173 ff. DOI logo
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2017. The grammaticalization of Dutchklinken. Journal of Historical Linguistics 7:1-2  pp. 190 ff. DOI logo
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2015. Stance as participant structure. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 29  pp. 193 ff. DOI logo
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2016. Evidential fictive interaction (in Ungarinyin and Russian). In The Conversation Frame [Human Cognitive Processing, 55],  pp. 255 ff. DOI logo
2009. Dizque, evidentiality, and stance in Valley Spanish. Language in Society 38:4  pp. 487 ff. DOI logo
Socka, Anna
2008. Die Konstruktion würde+Infinitiv als evidentieller Ausdruck des Deutschen. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen  pp. 375 ff. DOI logo
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2013. You Can Quote Me On That: Defining Quotation. In Quotatives,  pp. 34 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]

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