Shipibo-Konibo (a Panoan language from the Peruvian Amazon) has a highly consistent ergative-absolutive case-marking system that operates all along the Animacy Hierarchy. The marker -n (which exhibits a rich allomorphy) indicates ergative, genitive, instrumental and other oblique functions. Through internally-headed relative clauses it is possible to relativize on S/O but not on A arguments; this constitutes the only instance of syntactic ergativity. Different types of non-ergative arrangements are present in a variety of constructions: accusative case-marking on emphatic pronouns, accusative distribution of emphatic pronouns and of the verbal plural agreement marker -kan, neutral case-marking in a dedicated progressive construction, a very idiosyncratic A/O/Sa vs. So pattern in the occurrence of doubled pronouns, and tripartite configuration of inflectional morphology on adjuncts.
2019. Raising to Ergative: Remarks on Applicatives of Unaccusatives. Linguistic Inquiry 50:2 ► pp. 388 ff.
Mori, Bernd Brabec de
2013. Die Psychologisierung der Funktionen von Musik und Drogen in westlichen Interpretationen indianischer Magie. In Musik und Religion, ► pp. 97 ff.
Loretta O'Connor & Pieter Muysken
1920. The Native Languages of South America,
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