Part of
Ergativity in Amazonia
Edited by Spike Gildea and Francesc Queixalós
[Typological Studies in Language 89] 2010
► pp. 6596
Cited by (5)

Cited by five other publications

Barbosa, Raphael Augusto Oliveira
2020. Alinhamento morfossintático em Matis (Pano). LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas 20  pp. e020017 ff. DOI logo
Sánchez, Liliana & Elisabeth Mayer
Deal, Amy Rose
2019. Raising to Ergative: Remarks on Applicatives of Unaccusatives. Linguistic Inquiry 50:2  pp. 388 ff. DOI logo
Mori, Bernd Brabec de
2013. Die Psychologisierung der Funktionen von Musik und Drogen in westlichen Interpretationen indianischer Magie. In Musik und Religion,  pp. 97 ff. DOI logo
Loretta O'Connor & Pieter Muysken
1920. The Native Languages of South America, DOI logo

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