This volume is intended to address three questions: (1) How are we to understand the intersection between synchronic gradience and grammaticalization? (2) What insights does grammaticalization offer for assessing the validity of Aarts’s (2007a) claims regarding synchronic gradience, specifically that there is a significant distinction between subsective and intersective gradience? (3) What does the intersection between grammaticalization and synchronic gradience tell us about the hypothesis of structural gradualness, and about whether work on grammaticalization needs reanalysis and analogy/extension, or some other mechanism? In this paper we present an overview of what we consider to be central issues in answering these questions and in developing a theory of micro-changes.
2024. Creativity, paradigms and morphological constructions: evidence from Dutch pseudoparticiples. Linguistics
Carlier, Anne & Bernard Combettes
2023. Présentation. Scolia :37 ► pp. 7 ff.
Giannaris, Thanasis
2023. The Development of the Copular Participial Periphrases in Ancient Greek: Evidence for Syntactic Change and Reconstruction. In Internal and External Causes of Language Change, ► pp. 119 ff.
Herda, Damian
From space to time and beyond: A corpus inquiry into the grammaticalization patterns of
one step away from
. Studia Neophilologica 95:3 ► pp. 376 ff.
Lorenz, David
2023. Could Be it’s Grammaticalization: Usage Patterns of the Epistemic Phrases (it) Could/Might Be. Journal of English Linguistics 51:2 ► pp. 133 ff.
2023. Measuring and assessing indeterminacy and variation in the morphology-syntax distinction. Linguistic Typology 27:1 ► pp. 113 ff.
Zimmermann, Richard
2023. An improved test of the constant rate hypothesis: late Modern American English possessive have
. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 19:3 ► pp. 323 ff.
Barotto, Alessandra & Caterina Mauri
2022. Non-exhaustive connectives. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 75:2 ► pp. 317 ff.
2022. Revisiting Gradience in Diachronic Construction Grammar: PPs and the Complement-Adjunct Distinction in the History of English. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 70:3 ► pp. 301 ff.
2021. The grammaticalisation ofneverin British English dialects: Quantifying syntactic and functional change. Journal of Linguistics 57:3 ► pp. 531 ff.
Hartmann, Stefan
2021. Diachronic Cognitive Linguistics. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 9:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
2021. Discursive functions and constructionalization of independent "subordinate" sentences in Spanish. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 87 ► pp. 173 ff.
Schneider, Ulrike
2021. Loss of intersective gradience as the lifeboat of a dying construction. An analysis of the diachronic change of causativebring. Folia Linguistica 55:s42-s2 ► pp. 429 ff.
Vangaever, Jasper
2021. On la voit se développant : la construction progressive présentative du latin tardif à l’ancien français. Langue française N° 209:1 ► pp. 63 ff.
Anthonissen, Lynn
2020. Cognition in construction grammar: Connecting individual and community grammars. Cognitive Linguistics 31:2 ► pp. 309 ff.
Bacskai-Atkari, Julia
2020. German V2 and Doubly Filled COMP in West Germanic. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 23:2 ► pp. 125 ff.
2024. Subject‐Object Asymmetries and the Development of Relative Clauses between Late Middle English and Early Modern English. Transactions of the Philological Society 122:2 ► pp. 308 ff.
2019. Am I Way Wrong on this One? On the Multiple Semantic Sources and Paths of Development of the Amplifier Way. Lexis :16
Rodríguez-Puente, Paula
2019. The English Phrasal Verb, 1650–Present,
Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, Emma Moore, Linda van Bergen & Willem B. Hollmann
2019. Categories, Constructions, and Change in English Syntax,
Ştefănescu, Ariadna
2019. The Use of Altminteri ‘Otherwise’ in Romanian: From Adverb to Textual Connector. In Fuzzy Boundaries in Discourse Studies, ► pp. 287 ff.
Delbecque, Katrien Verveckken y Nicole
2018. Un montón de maneras de conceptualizar la cantidad. Bulletin hispanique :120-1 ► pp. 123 ff.
2018. C'est très théâtre, c'est-à-dire très faux.Les origines et le développement de la construction [Adverbedegré+ Nom]. Journal of French Language Studies 28:3 ► pp. 431 ff.
Martín Arista, Javier & Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
2018. Grammaticalization and deflexion in progress. The past participle in the Old English passive. Studia Neophilologica 90:2 ► pp. 155 ff.
Merten, Marie-Luis & Nina Seemann
2018. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, ► pp. 819 ff.
Andrason, Alexander
2017. The coordinatorsiandzin Polish: A cognitive-typological approach (Part 2). Lingua Posnaniensis 59:2 ► pp. 7 ff.
2016. La particular evolución de la construcción latinain hoc sensu. Romance Philology 70:2 ► pp. 349 ff.
Rosemeyer, Malte
2016. The development of iterative verbal periphrases in Romance. Linguistics 54:2 ► pp. 235 ff.
Börjars, Kersti, Nigel Vincent & George Walkden
2015. On Constructing a Theory of Grammatical Change. Transactions of the Philological Society 113:3 ► pp. 363 ff.
De Smet, Hendrik
2015. Participle clauses between adverbial and complement. <i>WORD</i> 61:1 ► pp. 39 ff.
Hoffmann, Thomas
2015. Cognitive Sociolinguistic Aspects of Football Chants: The Role of Social and Physical Context in Usage-based Construction Grammar. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 63:3 ► pp. 273 ff.
2015. From Doubt to Supposition: the Construction-Specific Meaning Change of the Finnish Verb Epäillä. In Perspectives on Complementation, ► pp. 157 ff.
2012. Cycles and continua: On unidirectionality and gradualness in language change. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of English, ► pp. 691 ff.
2011. In search of grammaticalization in synchronic dialect data: general extenders in northeast England. English Language and Linguistics 15:3 ► pp. 441 ff.
Bolly, Catherine
2010. Flou phraséologique, quasi-grammaticalisation et pseudo marqueurs de discours : un no man’s land entre syntaxe et discours ?. Linx :62-63 ► pp. 11 ff.
2010. A constructional taxonomy ofI thinkand related expressions: accounting for the variability of complement-taking mental predicates. English Language and Linguistics 14:3 ► pp. 399 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 13 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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