Translating the oral tradition of community literature
A case study
Community literature, here, refers to a body of oral literatures by the diverse ethnic groups of India that speak
thousands of indigenous languages. Many less explored indigenous groups with living oral traditions are found in India but their
orality is not yet documented. In our attempts to find such cultural groups, we came across many cultural groups that are being
ignored because of their small population, lack of political backup, lack of governmental upliftment policies, socio-economic
conditions, or lifestyle. The cultural groups that are being referred to here are not the communities that live in tribal or
forest areas but they are groups of people that live among us in our cities or villages. These groups mainly consist of migrating
populations whose members wander here and there to earn their livelihood. These are the cursed communities in the sense that they
have been ignored by all – by the government itself and also by the dominant cultural groups. In this paper, we try to record our
own experiences and the difficulties that we faced while translating the oral tradition of such a cultural group – the Gādaliyā
Luhār community. This paper also tries to show how translation is a two-tier (or a three-tier) process in countries such as India
where the majority of marginalised cultural groups speak indigenous languages or dialects.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Orality and translation in contemporary discourse
- 3.The Gādaliyā Luhār community
- 4.Oral tradition of the Gādaliyā Luhār community
- 5.On translating the oral tales of the Gādaliyā Luhār community
- 6.Problems of translating oral tradition
- a.Problems of the first stage
- i.Finding a settlement and the right person
- ii.Finding an interpreter
- iii.Oral style
- iv.Linguistic problems
- b.Problems of the second and third stage
- i.Socio-cultural equivalence
- ii.Play on words and humour
- iii.Understanding the proper context
- 7.Concluding remark
- Acknowledgements
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