Translation policy
Honing the model
The translation policy model by González Núñez (
2013, 475) comprises three elements, namely “translation management”, “translation practices”, and “translation beliefs”. While the first two elements of this model are straightforward and easy to study in top-down approaches, translation beliefs can relate both to policymakers and policy receivers. However, the distinction has not been clearly made in this model and the element of translation beliefs has been chiefly treated in the literature as though it comes from the top levels of policymaking, hence overlooking the bottom-up aspects of it (see
González Núñez 2014,
Li et al. 2017). In order to improve this model, the present paper draws on the audience reception theory (
Hall 1973), and shows that the current translation policy model requires a fourth element that I would call ‘translation reception’. The paper draws on the findings of a reception-oriented case study on translation policies in provincial broadcasting in Iran. This study argues that a more inclusive model of translation policy should not only include the authority-level elements of translation management, translation practices, and translation beliefs, but also the element of translation reception on the part of policy receivers. This way, I hope, the end users’ involvement in and contribution to the translation policy network will not be overlooked in subsequent research.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Review of literature
- 3.Methods
- 3.1Conceptual framework
- 3.2The case study
- 4.Results and discussion
- 5.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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