The name and nature of translation studies
A reappraisal
James Stratton Holmes (Iowa, 1924 – Amsterdam, 1986) is known as both a major translator/editor of poetry from Dutch (
Brems and McMartin 2020,
2021) and as a teacher and researcher of translation, whose professional career was centred in the Netherlands at the University of Amsterdam. He has had a long-lasting influence on the development of the field of translation as an academic subject with his landmark essay “The Name and Nature of Translation Studies”. First presented at a 1972 conference in Copenhagen, it is “generally regarded as the founding statement of the discipline” (
Gentzler 2001, 93). Yet, fifty years on, how valid is that essay in today’s context? We present a review and reappraisal of the essay in the context of Holmes’ academic work as a whole and we raise a few questions about the future and history of the discipline.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The Translated! volume and the Holmes Group
- 2.1The name of the discipline
- 2.2The nature of Translation Studies
- 3.Relevance for today
References (30)
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Vidal Claramonte, María-Carmen África. 2022. “Outward Turn.” In Encyclopedia of Translation and Interpreting, supervised by Javier Franco Aixelá, and Ricardo Muñoz Martín, and co-ordinated by Carmen Botella Tejera. Online: AIETI.
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