“When there’s something wrong, it’s the colour”
Translating race in Chile’s multilingual classrooms
Haitian pupils challenge the homogenous and monolingual
imaginary of the Chilean classroom primarily given their limited proficiency in
Spanish and their skin colour. One bottom-up strategy implemented by some
schools is the recruitment of a Haitian intercultural facilitator, whose aim is
to offer linguistic and cultural support primarily through interpretation and
translation. The main objective of the present article is to explore how Haitian
intercultural facilitators mediate the intersection between language and race in
emerging multilingual Chilean classrooms. In order to do so, the article
analyses three in-depth interviews with Haitian intercultural facilitators
employing the main conceptual tools offered by the model of linguistic
production and circulation developed by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu.
The main results outline that both Haitian pupils and Haitian intercultural
facilitators go through a process of racialisation carried out by the rest of
the school community. In turn, this affects how Haitian pupils are perceived and
treated, as well as how Haitian facilitators can mediate the tensions emerging
at the intersection between language and race. These findings represent novel
insights into the complex but little explored multilingual schooling processes
in the Global South.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Language and race in the Chilean school
- 3.Language and power
- 4.Methods
- 5.Results and discussion
- 5.1Racialised pupils
- 5.2Racialised Haitian intercultural facilitators
- 6.Conclusion
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