Nederlands Voor Buitenlanders
De Delftse Methode
A.G. Sciarone | Vakgroep Toegepaste Taalkunde Technische Hogeschool Delft
F. Montens | Vakgroep Toegepaste Taalkunde Technische Hogeschool Delft
The Delft Method is a so-called 'natural' method: the material corresponds as much as possible to the way in which people learn their first language. Characteristic properties of the material are: 1) integral presentation of the basic grammar at the beginning of the course, 2) presentation of a large and well-selected vocabulary, 3) complex lexical and grammatical exercises, 4) constant feedback, 5) absence of grammatical terminology.
The Delft Method, as used at Delft University of Technology, is meant for students aged about 18, has a very high tempo and presupposes a lot of independent student activity. The course material is also used by students outside the university, coming from a much younger age category, having a considerably lower level of education and proceeding at a slower rate. A first comparison of the results shows that the method is natural enough to be successfully used by very heterogenous groups. Differences in the time used can be explained partly by differences in experience in studying: in this view people trained in studying learn a second language faster than could be expected ?by nature'.
Article language: Dutch