Spaanse Si En Cuando Zinnen En Hun Equivalenten In Het Nederlands Een Contrastieve En Foutenanalyse
G.Th. Fraai | Vakgroep Spaans Universiteit van Amsterdam
The object of this investigation was to conduct a contrastive analysis of the following Spanish and Dutch conjunctions:.on the one hand the Spanish pair si_, as a conjunction of hypothesis or condition, and cuando, as a hypothetical/conditional or temporal conjunction, and, on the other hand, the Dutch equivalents als, wanneer, indien and the synonymous conjunctionless construction (0). On the basis of the"strong" predictive version of the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) one or more hypotheses were formulated, which served as predictors of errors likely to be made by Dutch learners of Spanish. The hypotheses were tested in an experimental investigation, involving 31 students.
Article language: Dutch