De Sociolinguïstiek In het Nederlandse Taalgebied Anno 1991
Erica Huls | KUB Tilburg & Universiteit van Amsterdam
This contribution discusses the state of affairs of sociolinguistics in the Dutch language area. The discussion is particularly based on the conference papers in the proceedings of the "First Conference on Sociolinguistics", which was organized in November 1991. This conference was meant to be the first one in a series of conferences to stimulate sociolinguistic research in the Dutch language area and to bring together sociolinguistic researchers from different areas. The contributions in this volume represent the plenary lectures from that conference.
In our overview two questions are addressed:
1. For which topics did the attention diminish over the last ten years and which topics seem to have gained importance? Is research into social vari-ability and the social context of language and language behaviour loosing its impact?
2. Are theoretical developments in sociolinguistics rather scattered and diffuse and is there hardly any theoretical progress in sociolinguistics?
Article language: Dutch