Leren Praten en Door Praten Leren in Een Vreemde Taal
Kees de Bot | Vakgroep TTMB Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen
In this article a description is given of the language production process based on Levelťs 'Speaking'-model. Using this type of model will help us to understand better the subprocesses in language production and the kind of knowledge and procedures needed to produce language. A full definition of what knowledge is needed will also help us to model the different stages a language learner goes through.
In the second part of this article recent developments with respect to the role of output in SLA are discussed from the perspective of the model presented. It is concluded that in language acquisition both input and output are needed and that in fact output may have as an important function the generation of very specific input that will support the acquisitional process.
Article language: Dutch