Het Intergenerationele Codewisseling-Continuum Binnen De Turkse Gemeenschap in Nederland
New data on Turkish-Dutch codeswitching (CS) have uncovered patterns not previously attested in this language pair. It turns out that three different generations within the immigrant community switch in three different ways. For the first generation, CS mostly concerns the occasional insertion of Dutch nouns in Turkish sentences. The intermediate generation switches much more frequently and in a much more varied way. The second generation also practices a lot of CS, but the type of switching is virtually always of an alternational, not insertional, nature. Insertional CS further seems to lend support to a model of speech production in which some elements are uttered with greater awareness than others. High awareness stimulates CS. Various aspects of linguistic elements, as well as of the act of speaking, are involved in determining an element's level of awareness.
Article language: Dutch