Vooruit- en Terugwijzen in Navertellingen en Persoonlijke Verhalen
Karin Heesters | Vakgroep Taal & Communicatie Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
A story teller may tell a story by simply putting together subsequent events and situations. However, he may also point forward to things that are about to come in the story (foreshadowing), or point backward to reveal the relevance of what is said here to what has been said before, often in the form of wrapping things up.
In my article I will first discuss the question how children foreshadow and wrap up information in two different story telling tasks: a story retelling of a picture story and a personal story, about events that the child has experienced itself. Secondly, I will address the question whether the amount of foreshadowing and wrapping up in the two story tasks is comparable.>
In the story retellings, foreshadowing and wrapping up were established by a global framework at the beginning of the story, local and global motivating states in the beginning and middle of the story and quotes, parallels and contrasts at the end of the story. In the personal stories abstracts, settings, motivating states and codas were used as devices to foreshadow and wrap up events and situations in the narrative.
The amount of foreshadowing and wrapping up in the story retellings and personal stories turned out to be not comparable.
Article language: Dutch