Verschillen in Conversatieregels Tussen Mannen en Vrouwen?
Ludwien Meeuwesen | Vakgroep Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen (ASW) Universiteit Utrecht
Do men and women make use of different strategies in communication? According to the theory of gender subcultures of Maltz and Borker, differences refer to relational orientation in women and task-orientedness in men (affiliation vs control). Verbatim transcripts of 85 medical interviews were analysed, using Stiles' Verbal Response Mode coding systemm (VRM), and notions of topic shift. In agreement with the hypothesis male doctors were more imposing and presump-tuous (more often giving advice and interpretations). Female doctors were more attentive and non-directive (giving more subjective and objective information and backchannels). The interviews of female doctors took more time than the interviews of their male colleagues. The topic shifts were more coherent among the female doctors.
The results support the idea of the existence, to a certain degree, of different subcultures for men and women.
Article language: Dutch