Spreekvaardigheid Nederlands in Havo en Vwo
Onderzoek Naar De Lespraktijk
Helge Bonset | SLO (Specialisten in leerplanontwikkeling) Enschede
For the purpose of developing a curriculum for the teaching of speaking and listening, seven case studies have been conducted into the practice of teaching presentation, debate or discussion. This article addresses two of the problems encountered in the course of this research.
The first problem concerns the fact that teachers do not succeed in observing and afterwards discussing the speaking and listening assignments performed in such a way that this, too, contributes to the pupils' learning process. A solution is offered by way of the approach of learning through the observation of model, in which the the primary aim of the observer is to enable pupils to improve their own performances.
The second problem is that in teaching speaking and listening skills, teachers do not provide special treatment for those pupils whose first language is not Dutch. In this article it is argued that it would help these pupils if they were offered 'language devices' which would reduce the pressure on their working memory, thus increasing their fluency. An example is given of the survey of language devices developed for presentation and discussion, as well as reactions of teachers to these devices.
Article language: Dutch