Hoe een Goed Antwoord Niet Goed Kan Zijn
Een Onderzoek naar Interactie in Individuele Hulpmomenten Tijdens de Wiskundeles
>According to socio-cultural psychologists, children learn by interacting with their environment and the people that surround them. For this, evidence is found in descriptions of children interacting with their caregivers. This view of learning through interaction is widespread in educational research, though evidence of learning through interaction in the educational context is still lacking. In this study, Conversation Analysis was used to explore interaction in individual help-dyads during math lessons to obtain more insights into the practice of classroom interaction. Four patterns of conversational moves by the teacher are found that prevent the pupil from being able to show full understanding of the task. The discussion part of this article focuses on the question whether and in what way Conversation Analysis of classroom interaction can contribute to the theory building of learning through interaction.
Article language: Dutch