A Stress Marker in Speech
E.L. van den Broek | Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information (NICI), Catholic University of Nijmegen
This study examins the variability of the fundamental frequency of the voice (SD FO), as an indirect measure of physiological arousal, reflecting the intensity of emotions. The Subjective Unit of Distress (SUD) was applied to assess (a) the success of the experimental manipulation of stress, and (b) the validity of SD F0 as a stress measure. Twenty-five female participants suffering from a Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia participated. They relived an experience from the past and read a story aloud in both a stress triggering and a neutral condition. The increases in SUD, accompanied by decreases in SD F0, indicated that the experimental manipulation of stress was effective and validated the SD F0 as a stress marker. Hence, a new indirect physiological measure for the determination of stress was developed.