The bibliography
Abrahams, Roger D. 1970. A performance-centred approach to gossip. Man 5(2): 290–301.
A study on the sociolinguistics of gossip (or commess), uses data from Richland Park, St Vincent.
Abrahams, Roger D. 1972. The training of the man-of-words in talking sweet. Language in Society 1(1): 15–29.
This paper explores the language learned and used in one Afro-American peasant community on St Vincent.
Abrahams, Roger D. 1982. Storytelling events: Wake amusements and the structure of nonsense on St Vincent. Journal of American Folklore 95(378): 389–414.
The article investigates the 'Wake' by looking closely at the content features of riddles and stories told in Richland Park, St Vincent.
Abrahams, Roger D. 1985. A note on neck-riddles in the West Indies as they comment on emergent genre theory. Journal of American Folklore 98(387): 85–94.
The discussion includes 62 riddles told one night during a wake, in Richland Park, St Vincent.
Abrahams, Roger D. & Bauman, Richard. 1971. Sense and nonsense in St Vincent: Speech behavior and decorum in a Caribbean community. American Anthropologist 73(3): 762–772.
An analysis of speech behavior among the Afro-American peasants of St Vincent, British West Indies, is provided, focusing on the tea meeting, one of the most popular performance events on the island.
Aceto, Michael. 2002. Going back to the beginning: Describing the (nearly) undocumented Anglophone Creoles of the Caribbean. In Pidgin and Creole Linguistics in the 21st Century, Glenn G. Gilbert (ed.), 93-120. Bern: Peter Lang.
Discusses specific need for more description of undocumented English-derived Creoles of the Americas, including St Vincent and the Grenadines.
Aceto, Michael. 2005. The borrowing and innovation of food terms in the Anglophone Caribbean. Sargasso 2005(1): 77-96. (Special issue on Creolistics and Caribbean Languages
Occasional use of examples from St Vincent.
Aceto, Michael. 2008a. Eastern Caribbean English-derived language varieties: Phonology. In Varieties of English, 2: The Americas and the Caribbean, Edgar W. Schneider (ed.), 290-311. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Specific data for St Vincent & the Grenadines included (pp. 307-8) in the general discussion and analysis.
Aceto, Michael. 2008b. Eastern Caribbean-derived varieties: Morphology and syntax. In Varieties of English, 2: The Americas and the Caribbean, Edgar W. Schneider (ed.), 645-660. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
No special section on St Vincent & the Grenadines, yet data from the language included in discussion and analysis.
Aceto, Michael. 2009. Caribbean Englishes. In The Handbook of World Englishes, Braj B. Kachru, Yamuna Kachru & Cecil L. Nelson (eds), 203-222. Malden MA: Blackwell.
Surveys English-derived Creoles of the Caribbean, including the island of St Vincent. Provides a general description of phonology, morphology, and syntax.
Allsopp, Richard. 1979. How does the creole lexicon expand? In Theoretical Orientations in Creole Studies, Albert Valdman & Arnold Highfield (eds), 89-107. New York NY: Academic Press.
The author adds 6 new ways of expansion (building on Ian Hancock's 12: coining, incoining/blending, calquing, semantic extension, semantic shift, convergence, divergence, back formation, tautology, tonalizing, reduplication, adoption): misascription, functional shift, folk etymology, code overlap, attraction, and free-compounding. Examples from St Vincent are used (pp. 91, 101, 105).
Allsopp, Richard. 1996. Dictionary of Caribbean English usage. Oxford: OUP.
Comprehensive dictionary covering all varieties of English in the Caribbean, including St Vincent & the Grenadines (lists the numerous specific informants/advisors, p. xv)
Avram, Andrei A. 2001. Shared features in the Atlantic English Creoles. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique 46(1-4): 69–89.
Phonological, lexical, & grammatical features from nine Atlantic English Creoles: Antiguan, Bajan, Gullah, Guyanese, Jamaican, Kittitian (St Kitts), Krio, Surinam, and St Vincent are compared and analyzed.
Baker, Philip. 1999. Investigating the origin and diffusion of shared features among the Atlantic English Creoles. In St Kitts and the Atlantic Creoles: The Texts of Samuel Mathews in Perspective, Philip Baker & Adrienne Bruyn (eds), 315-364. Westminster: University of Westminster Press.
St Vincent Creole is one of the nine Atlantic English Creoles (AEC) used in the analysis. Also reviews earlier work on affinities among the AEC's.
A typological study of 33 Caribbean English Creole, including St Vincent.
Brenneis, Donald. 1987. Talk and transformation. Man 22(3): 499–510.
Focuses on discourse-language as social practice in communities in the Caribbean (including St Vincent) and among Fiji Indians.
Breton, Raymond. 1666. Dictionnaire François-Caraïbe. Auxerre: Par Gilles Bouquet, impr. ordinaire du Roy.
Breton lived among the Dominican Caribs from 1635-1640 and compiled this dictionary; includes language/words from St Vincent.
Carlson, Paul E. 1973. Cognition and social function in the West Indian dialect: Stubbs. In Windward Road: Contributions to the Anthropology of St Vincent, Thomas M. Fraser Jr. (ed.), 123-136. Amherst MA: University of Massachusetts.
Discusses formality and informality in language used in the village of Stubbs, St Vincent.
Carmichael, Mrs. A.C. 1833. Domestic Manners and Social Condition of the White, Coloured and Negro Population of the West Indies. London: Whittaker, Treacher, 2 Vols. (Accessed from Sabin Americana. Gale, Cengage Learning. University of New Mexico. 14 March 2013). <[URL]>
One of the earliest published works that includes coverage of linguistic phenomena in St Vincent.
Carney, William. 2009. Rhetorical preferences of Caribbean university students : An empirical study. International Communication Studies 18(2): 249–257.
Students from St Vincent are included in the sample used in this study on language use.
Daleszynska, Agata. 2008. Constraints of variation in Bequian Creole: Focus on the past tense. In New Ways of Analyzing Variation 37. 8 November 2008. Rice University. Houston, TX.
Paper presented. No abstract or paper found online or in print as of 3/14/2013.
Daleszynska, Agata. 2009. Apparent time changes in Bequia Creole: Evidence for dialect levelling. In New Ways of Analyzing Variation 38. 22-25 October 2009. Ottawa, Canada. 37-38. <[URL]>
Focuses on dialect leveling, by analyzing the alternation between bare verbs and inflected verbs among younger speakers of Bequian Creole.
Daleszynska, Agata. 2010. What’s gender got to do with it? Investigating the effect of gender and place on / t, d / deletion in Bequia. In
The Proceedings of the Summer School of Sociolinguistics
. 14-20 June 2010. The University of Edinburgh. <[URL]>
Word final /t,d/ use by adolescents in Bequia is examined.
Daleszynska, Agata. 2011a. And them people bin live so happy: On the function of preverbal bin in Bequia and its role in language change. In
Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics Winter Conference
. 7-8 January 2011. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Abstract on p. 169 of Conference Handbook.<[URL]>
The preverbal marker bin and its place in the past tense of Bequian Creole is explored.
Daleszynska, Agata. 2011b. Are in-betweens useful for variationist research? A perspective from Bequia Creole. In New Ways of Analyzing Variation 38. 22-25 October 2009. Ottawa, Canada. 37-38.<[URL]>
This paper focuses on a group of young speakers of Bequian Creole who are outside the sociolinguistic community norms.
This paper provides a classification of English-based Creoles using 33 languages, including St Vincent, by looking at a selection of lexical and typological features encoded as binary pairs.
Dubrow, Eric H. 1999. Cultural processes in child competence: How rural Caribbean parents evaluate their children. In Cultural Processes in Child Development: Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology 29: 97-121. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Uses data from a study on St Vincent, including discussion of language use.
Duncan, Ebenezer. 1963. A Brief History of St Vincent with Studies in Citizenship, 3rd rev. edn. Kingstown: St Vincent Reliance Printery.
Includes discussion of the use of non-standard English and the perceived importance of changing to the use of Standard English.
Edwards, Esther J. 1997. Caribbean Cultural Poems and Parlance in Vincentian Dialect. Brooklyn NY: Distributed by Esther’s Cultural Productions.
This volume has 17 poems, as well as an extensive vocabulary section of nearly 900 entries.
Fortenbery, Elizabeth C. 1998. Women, Language, and Respect in Rural St Vincent and the Grenadines. PhD dissertation, University of Washington.
An ethnographic study of the language practices of primarily rural lower-class women on St Vincent. With fieldwork done in 1992-1993, this work explores the personal, social, and cultural significance of women's voices engaged in everyday talk.
Foster, Byron. 2012. Celebrating autonomy: The development of Garifuna ritual on St Vincent. Caribbean Quarterly 33(3-4): 75–83.
In covering various rituals describes some of the languages used.
Mentions St Vincent Creole while discussing and contrasting the language of St Lucia.
Goldsmith, Daena. 2009. Gossip from the native’s point of view: A comparative analysis. Research on Language and Social Interaction 23: 163–193.
Looks at five different cultural systems, including St Vincent, in this comparative analysis of the functions of gossip.
Gonsalves, Rennie. 2007. Investigating the semantics-semiotics interface through textual analysis. LACUS Forum 33: 275-283. <[URL]>
A detailed semiotic analysis of a story related to the author by a Vincentian Carib.
Gonzalez, Nancie L. 1983. New evidence on the origins of the Black Carib, with thoughts on the meaning of tradition. New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-indische Gids 57(3-4): 143–172.
Discusses the history of Black Caribs, including their time on St Vincent, including coverage of languages spoken.
Gonzalez, Nancie L. 1988. Sojourners of the Caribbean: Ethnogenesis and Ethnohistory of the Garifuna. Urbana IL: University of Illinois Press.
While primarily about the Garifuna after exodus to the continent, does discuss history on St Vincent & the Grenadines - including language.
Gonzalez, Nancie L. 1991. Prospero, Caliban and Black Sambo: Colonial views of the other in the Caribbean.
1992 Lecture Series Working Papers 11. University of Maryland, Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
The linguistic situation is included in the discussion of the relations among different groups on St Vincent during the Carib Wars during 1795-96.
Granberry, Julian & Vescelius, Gary S. 2004. Languages of the Pre-Columbian Antilles. Tuscaloosa AL: University of Alabama Press.
This volume is "oriented toward the analysis of language forms not for their own sake but, instead, as a pragmatic tool toward elucidation of the physical, ethnic, and linguistic origins of their users" (p. xi). Includes coverage of the language of St Vincent.
Gullick, Charles J.M.R. 1976. Carib ethnicity in a semi-plural society. New Community 5(3): 250–258.
Brief discussion of the complicated situation contrasting the Carib-identifying people with the Afro-American majority on St Vincent.
Gullick, Charles J.M.R. 1985. Myths of a Minority: The Changing Traditions of the Vincentian Caribs. Assen: van Gorcum.
Extensive coverage of the history of the Carib people on St Vincent from the earliest known history through the 1970’s. Language in all its aspects is a part of this history.
Hancock, Ian 1987. A preliminary classification of the Anglophone Atlantic Creoles with syntactic data from thirty-three representative dialects. In Pidgins and Creole Languages: Essays in Memory of John E. Reinecke, Glenn G. Gilbert (ed.), 264-333. Honolulu HI: University of Hawai’i Press.
Extensive discussion and comparison of syntactic data from 33 English-based Creoles contribute to a new classification of these creoles. St Vincent is included.
Hofman, Corinne L. & Carlin, Eithne B. 2010. The ever-dynamic Caribbean: Exploring new approaches to unraveling social networks in the pre-colonial and early colonial periods. In Linguistics and Archaeology in the Americas: The Historization of Language and Society, Eithne B. Carlin & Simon van der Kerke (eds), 107-122. Leiden: Brill.
Among people and languages covered is Eneri/Island Carib, spoken on the Windward Islands.
Holbrook, David Joseph. 2012. The Classification of the English-lexifier Creole Languages Spoken in Grenada, Guyana, St Vincent and Tobago Using a Comparison of the Markers of Some Key Grammatical Features: A Tool for Determining the Potential to Share and/or Adapt Literary Development Materials. Dallas TX: SIL International. <[URL]>
This study classifies the four English-lexifier Creole languages spoken in Grenada, Guyana, St Vincent, and Tobago. Based on his 2006 PhD dissertation, University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad.
Holm, John. 1989a. Commonwealth Windward Islands. In Pidgins and Creoles, Vol. II: Reference Survey, 457-459. Cambridge: CUP.
Provides a brief history of the island and gives language examples.
Holm, John. 1989b. Pidgins and Creoles, Vol. II: Reference Survey. Cambridge: CUP.
Section 10.3 covers Eastern Caribbean Creole English, with history and language examples of St Vincent.
Jourdain, Elodie & Herbert, Cecil. 1953. Creole – A folk language. Caribbean Quarterly 3(1): 24–30.
Brief mention of words from St Vincent in this overview of creoles in the Caribbean.
Katz, Phillip S. 1973. Some aspects of gossip. In Windward Road: Contributions to the Anthropology of St Vincent, Thomas M. Fraser Jr. (ed.), 80-89. Amherst MA: University of Massachusetts.
Sociolinguistic discussion focusing in on stories and accusations relating to thievery, or 'tiefs'.
Langworthy, Geneva. 2000. Language planning in a trans-national speech community. In Indigenous languages across the community. Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Stabilizing Indigenous Languages 7th, 11-14 May 2000. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. <[URL]>
Language revitalization and planning efforts in Garifuna communities in Central America, St Vincent, and the United States are described.
Le Page, Robert B. 1958. General outlines of Creole English dialects in the British Caribbean. Orbis 7: 54–64.
Discusses the dialects of 12 areas, including St Vincent.
Le Page, Robert B. & Tabouret-Keller, Andrée. 1985. Acts of Identity: Creole-based Approaches to Language and Ethnicity. Cambridge: CUP.
The language of St Vincent has a significant presence in this work. Chapter 3 analyzes results of a grammar questionnaire given to speakers in Jamaica, St Vincent and Grenada. Within the section on Disputed settlements and their outcomes is a piece on St Vincent: A boundary case.
Lent, John A. 1975. The price of modernity. The Journal of Communication 25(2): 128-135.
Covers mass media and languages used in the Commonwealth Caribbean, including St Vincent and the Grenadines.
Lewis, M. Paul (ed.). 2009. Languages of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. <[URL]>
The classic reference work for languages of the world, includes St Vincent & the Grenadines.
Meyerhoff, Miriam. 2008. Bequia sweet/ Bequia is sweet: syntactic variation in a lesser-known variety of Caribbean English. English Today 24(1): 33–40.
An analysis of dialect variability in the use of Bequian English on the island of Bequia.
Meyerhoff, Miriam. 2009. Men argue, but women duz trace. Sargasso 2009-09(1): 115–132. (Special issue on Linguistic Explorations of Gender and Sexuality
A sociolinguistic exploration of some gender and language characteristics on Bequia.
Meyerhoff, Miriam. 2011. Passing for different: The importance of hidden differences in language variation (paper presented). In
The construction of local identities through culture and language in the Dutch province of Limburg. Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences Workshop
. 1-3 December 2011. Wassenaar, Nl. <[URL]>
Reviews data from ongoing work on Bequian English that shows that in spite of a superficial simplicity in shared patterns, Bequian English is different from Standard English.
Meyerhoff, Miriam & Walker, James A. 2006. The persistence of grammatical constraints: ‘urban sojourners’ from Bequia. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 12(2): 131–143.
The absence of BE is examined across three ethnically distinct village communities on the small island of Bequia, with particular attention to speakers - one in each village - who have lived in urban settings in the UK or Canada and returned to the island.
Meyerhoff, Miriam & Walker, James A. 2007. The persistence of variation in individual grammars: Copula absence in ‘urban sojourners’ and their stay-at-home peers, Bequia (St Vincent and the Grenadines). Journal of Sociolinguistics 11(3): 346–366.
Phonological variation in Bequia among two speech communities, ‘urban sojourners’ – Bequians who have spent an extended period overseas and their stay-at-home peers, is analyzed.
Examines language use in Bequia, focusing on three communities. Quantitative analysis of three aspects of the grammatical system that exhibit variation: absence of the verb BE, verbal negation, and tense-aspect marking are provided.
Meyerhoff, Miriam & Walker, James A. 2013. Bequia Talk (St Vincent and the Grenadines). London: Battlebridge Publications.
Designed for a wide audience, this book surveys the commonalities and differences in the ways people talk on the island of Bequia. It starts with a sociohistorical chapter and then moves on to chapters dealing with phonology and grammar.
Meyerhoff, Miriam & Walker, James A. 2013. An existential problem: The sociolinguistic monitor and variation in existential constructions on Bequia (St Vincent and the Grenadines). Language in Society 42(4): 407-428.
Investigates the alternation between Standard English-like existentials ('there is/there's/there are') and Caribbean variants (e.g. 'it have' or 'it get') in four villages on the island of Bequia.
Meyerhoff, Miriam & Walker, James A. Forthcoming. Variation in existentials on Bequia (St Vincent and the Grenadines): Grammatical or lexical? In Theoretical Perspectives on Intra-individual Variation and its Empirical Study, Jeffrey K. Parrott (ed.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Using a corpus of Bequian English, the question of whether agreement in existential constructions is best viewed as grammatical or lexical is analyzed.
Meyerhoff, Miriam, Walker, James A. & Daleszynska, Agata. 2009. Marking the past and the present in Bequia (conference handout). In New Ways of Analyzing Variation 38. 22-25 October 2009. Ottawa, Canada.<[URL]>
Investigates tense in Bequia.
Morth, Grace E. 1973. Commess: traditional and official forms of social control. In Windward Road: Contributions to the Anthropology of St Vincent, Thomas M. Fraser Jr. (ed.), 73-79. Amherst MA: University of Massachusetts.
Describes the rules and formats followed in the transfer of information/mechanisms of social control. Research conducted in Georgetown.
A few of the examples used in the discussion are from St Vincent (199).
Mulcahy, F. David. 1973. A sketch of Vincentian-Portuguese folk botany and medicine. In Windward Road: Contributions to the Anthropology of St Vincent, Thomas M. Fraser (ed.), 108-122. Amherst MA: University of Massachusetts.
Primarily from data collected in the inland community of Villo [sic] Point, discusses word usage and definitions of plants and their uses.
Nero, Shondel J. 2000. The changing faces of English: A Caribbean perspective. TESOL Quarterly 34(3): 483–510.
St Vincent is one of the islands included in this report on students’ linguistic self-perception, among other findings.
Parkvall, Mikael. 2000. Out of Africa: African Influences in Atlantic Creoles. London: Battlebridge Publications.
Extensive review of substrate features in Atlantic Creoles, based on analysis of 42 creoles and 168 African languages. Data from St Vincent are grouped in with other Windward Islands.
Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews. 1936. Folklore of the Antilles, French and English, Part I: Stories. New York NY: American Folk-lore Society: G. E. Stechert & Co., Agents.
Stories from the Grenadines are on pp. 71-95 with 10 stories from St Vincent on pp. 72-112.
Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews. 1943. Folklore of the Antilles, French and English, Part III: Riddles. New York NY: American Folk-lore Society: G. E. Stechert & Co., Agents.
Included in the riddles from St Vincent are 24 in English (pp. 375-377) and 11 in French (pp. 466-467).
Partridge, Andrew. 2009. Charting the vowel space of Bequian Creole. MA thesis, University of Edinburgh.
Provides a phonemic inventory, resulting from acoustic analyses of vowels and consonants using both existing data and newly collected data.
Investigates word formation in creoles through the lens of second language acquisition. Includes data from St Vincent.
Data from St Vincent are used briefly (p. 412).
Prescod, Paula. 2001. Vincentian speech: A conservative creole? Paper presented at the
Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics Conference
. 26-27 June, University of Coimbra, Portugal. <[URL]>
Vincentian Creole data, collected from radio, poetry and prose, are analyzed.
Prescod, Paula. 2002. Indefinite pronouns in Vincentian Creole and English: A comparative approach. Paper presented at the
14th Biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics
. 14-17 August, UWI Trinidad.<[URL]>
The three major series of indefinite pronouns in English and Vincentian Creole are compared through an examination of their inventory and distribution. Despite superficial similarity, fundamental differences between the two languages are found.
Prescod, Paula. 2003. Just what do VinC indefinite pronouns entail? Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics
, January 2003. Atlanta GA. <[URL]
The uses and functions of the three major series of indefinite pronouns in Vincentian Creole are investigated by looking closely at their inventory and distribution.
Prescod, Paula. 2006a. Stress assignment and functions of pitch in Vincentian Creole. In Stress, Tone, and Intonation in Creole and Contact Languages, Parth Bhatt & Ingo Plag (eds). Special issue of Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung: STUF 59(2): 191–210.
Demonstrates that stress and pitch enable syntactic differentiation in Vincentian Creole.
Prescod, Paula. 2006b. Towards a writing system for Vincentian Creole. Searchlight: Weekly newspaper of St Vincent and the Grenadines. Article published in 3 parts from 17 February – 3 March 2006. <[URL]>
Article written for the general public proposing a writing system for Vincentian.
Explores derivational processes in Vincentian Creole and demonstrates that while speakers use these processes much like English, they also use distinctly different combination forms.
Prescod, Paula. 2008b. Sentential negation and the distribution of n-words in Atlantic English-based Creoles. Paper presented at the
Society for Caribbean Linguistics Conference: Usage, Application and Development of the Languages of the Caribbean and the Guianas
, 28-31 July, Cayenne, French Guiana. Proceedings - Society for Caribbean Linguistics CD-Rom. <[URL]>
This study examines how some English-based Creoles position negative particles, in particular in utterances marked for tense, mood, and aspect.
Prescod, Paula. 2008c. The syntax of negation and indefinite pronouns in Standard English and Caribbean Creole varieties. Paper presented at the
European Society for the Study of English Conference
. 22-26 August, University of Aarhus, Denmark. <[URL]>
The contrastive behavior of sentential negation and the distribution of indefinite pronouns in Standard English and English-lexified Caribbean varieties are examined. Both systems treat negation differently.
Prescod, Paula. 2008d. What does and doesn’t do for creoles: Zeroing in on aspect and negation.
Invited paper: NORMS Workshop on Auxiliaries, Mood and Modality
, 17-18 September, NTNU Trondheim University, Norway.<[URL]>
Lexical and grammatical features of English-based Creoles are examined.
Prescod, Paula. 2009. On -self and reflexivity in English-lexicon Creoles. In Simplicity and Complexity in Creole and Pidgins [Westminster Creolistics Series 10], Nicholas Faraclas & Thomas Klein (eds), 153-174. London: Battlebridge Publications.
The classification of pidgins and creoles in terms of language complexity is discussed. Vincentian is one of the languages.
Prescod, Paula. 2010. A Grammatical Description of the Noun Phrase in the English-lexicon Creole of St Vincent and the Grenadines. Munich: Lincom.
A comprehensive, book-length description of the noun phrase in the English-lexified Creole of St Vincent and the Grenadines. This work is the translation of the original French version of the author’s 2004 PhD thesis, which was also published in 2006. (cf. below).
Prescod, Paula. 2006. Une description grammaticale du syntagme nominal dans le créole anglophone de St-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines. PhD dissertation, Université Paris III. Lille: Presses de l’ANRT.
Prescod, Paula. 2011. The morphology and compositionality of particle verb constructions in Vincentian Creole. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 56(1): 87–107,146.
Describes a word-formation process in Vincentian Creole, not typically considered relevant to word formation.
Prescod, Paula. 2012. Morphosyntactic features in Vincentian Creole. In The Electronic World Atlas of Variation in English: Grammar, Bernd Kortmann (ed.). Munich & Berlin: Max Planck Digital Library in cooperation with Mouton de Gruyter. <[URL]>
Interactive tool that provides a wide range of morphosyntactic phenomena on varieties of English. This chapter is dedicated exclusively to the Vincentian variety.
Prescod, Paula. 2013. Vincentian Creole. In The Mouton World Atlas of Variation in English: Grammar, Bernd Kortmann & Kerstin Lunkenheimer (eds), 329-341. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Provides a wide range of morphosyntactic phenomena on varieties of English including this full-length chapter on the Vincentian variety.
Prescod, Paula. 2013. Vincentian Creole structure dataset. In Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures Online, Ch. 7, Susanne Michaelis, Philippe Maurer, Martin Haspelmath & Magnus Huber (eds). Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. <[URL]>
The Atlas provides 130 world maps of structural linguistic features of 76 pidgins and creoles. The printed version contains a full length chapter providing sociohistorical background, the sociolinguistic situation, phonological, morphological and structural features of Vincentian Creole. The online version also contains sound files of each language.
Prescod, Paula. 2013 Vincentian Creole. In The Survey of Pidgin and Creole Languages, Vol. 1: English-based and Dutch-based Languages, Ch. 7, Susanne Michaelis, Philippe Maurer, Martin Haspelmath & Magnus Huber (eds), 70-80. Oxford: OUP.
The Atlas provides 130 world maps of structural linguistic features of 76 pidgins and creoles. The printed version contains a full length chapter providing sociohistorical background, the sociolinguistic situation, phonological, morphological and structural features of Vincentian Creole.
Prescod, Paula & Fraser, Adrian. 2008. A demolinguistic profile of St Vincent and the Grenadines or a successful attempt at linguistic disenfranchisement. Anthropos 103(1): 99–112.
The demolinguistic dynamics between the Arawak and Carib Indians and succeeding settlers in St Vincent & the Grenadines are explored.
Ralston, Lenore D. 1985. A historical account of ‘country talk’ on St Vincent Island: Problems and new directions. In Diversity and Development in English-related Creoles, Ian F. Hancock (ed.). Ann Arbor MI: Karoma.
Summarizes the history of the island and then discusses whether or not St Vincent has an English-based or a French-based creole.
Roberts, Peter A. 1988. West Indians and their Language. Cambridge: CUP.
A wide-ranging discussion of the numerous varieties of English used in the West Indies, including some examples from St Vincent.
Roberts, Peter. 1997. From Oral to Literate Culture: Colonial Experience in the English West Indies. Mona, Jamaica: The Press University of the West Indies.
One of the recurring themes in this volume is the many languages used on the islands and their sociolinguistic import.
Rubenstein, Hymie. 1987. Coping with Poverty: Adaptive Strategies in a Caribbean Village. Boulder CO: Westview Press.
An ethnographic account of a "large coastal village" on St Vincent. Occasional use of nonstandard English while discussing various activities. Based upon fieldwork done in 1969-1971, 1980, and 1985.
Schneider, Edgar W. 1992. Negation patterns and the cline of creoleness in English-oriented varieties of the Caribbean. In Studies in Caribbean Language, II: Papers from the Ninth Biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, Pauline Christie, et al. (eds), 2014-227. St Augustine, Trinidad: University of West Indies Press.
Compares negation patterns in numerous creoles, including St Vincent, to make the claim that there is a "cline of creoleness", i.e., a language continuum.
Shephard, C. 1831. Historical Account of the Island of St Vincent. London: W. Nicol.
Occasional mention of language used by island tribes.
Sidnell, Jack. 2007a. Comparative studies in conversation analysis. Annual Review of Anthropology 36: 229–244.
Includes Bequian Creole among languages used for analysis.
Sidnell, Jack. 2007b. Repairing person reference in a small Caribbean community. In Person Reference in Interaction: Linguistic, Cultural, and Social Perspectives, Nick N.J. Enfield & Tanya Stivers (eds), 281-308. Cambridge: CUP.
Bequian Creole is among the languages used for this analysis.
Sidnell, Jack. 2008. Alternate and complementary perspectives on language and social life: the organization of repair in two Caribbean communities. Journal of Sociolinguistics 12(4): 477–503.
Discusses the history of relations between conversation analysis and linguistic anthropology, using the organization of other-initiated repair in two Caribbean communities, one of which is Bequia.
Sidnell, Jack. 2009. Language-specific resources in repair and assessments. In Conversation Analysis: Comparative Perspectives, Jack Sidnell (ed.), 304-324. Cambridge: CUP.
For analysis of "if"-prefaces repeats, using Bequian Creole as part of the data, shows that Caribbean English Creoles have apparently unique possibilities for social action. Using data from Bequian Creole, explores repairs in referencing persons.
Singler, John Victor. 2008. The sociohistorical context of creole genesis. In The Handbook of Pidgin and Creole Studies, Silvia Kouwenberg & John Victor Singler (eds), 332-358. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Vincentian is among nine Atlantic English-based Creoles compared in a section on cross-creole similarities. Shows that five of the Caribbean Creoles pattern together: St Kitts, Barbados, Antigua, Guyana, and St Vincent.
Snow, Peter. 2000. Language variation in Caribbean Creole/non-lexifier contact situations: continua or diglossia? Texas Linguistic Forum 44(1): 148–162.
St Vincent is grouped in with other Windward Islands in the analysis.
Stewart, Harold. 1993. A Case Study of a Methods Program in English as a Second Language in St Vincent, West Indies. PhD dissertation, University of Alberta.
The purpose of this case study was to reveal the impact of an English as a second language methods course on the professional lives of a group of teachers from St Vincent, West Indies.
Taylor, Douglas. 1956. Languages and ghost-languages of the West Indies. International Journal of American Linguistics 22(2): 180–183.
Survey of languages of the West Indies, including brief mention of St Vincent and Island Carib.
Taylor, Douglas. 1958. Names on St Vincent. West Indian Guide (De West-Indische Gids) 38: 106–110.
Discusses the place names of Carib origin. The work is based on maps and other documents and some direct fieldwork.
Taylor, Douglas. 1961. New languages for old in the West Indies. Comparative Studies in Society and History 3(3): 277–288.
Discusses many of the languages of the Caribbean, in particular, a community in the Eastern Caribbean island of St Vincent.
Taylor, Douglas. 1977. Languages of the West Indies. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Comprehensive coverage of the many languages of the West Indies, mostly an historical account.
Trudgill, Peter. 2002. The history of the lesser-known varieties of English. In Alternative histories of English, Richard J. Watts & Peter Trudgill (eds), 27-44. London: Routledge.
Includes St Vincent & the Grenadines in the discussion of Caribbean Englishes.
Trudgill, Peter. 2010. Investigations in Sociohistorical Linguistics: Stories of Colonisation and Contact. Cambridge: CUP.
Chapter 3 “On Anguilla and the Pickwick Papers” includes examples from St Vincent.
Vincentian Creole English: A Language of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. <[URL]>
Ethnologue report for language code svc. Most similar to Guyana, Tobago. It exists in a continuum with Standard English, with speech in the Capital of Kingstown most similar to Standard English (the acrolect) and that of the Island Carib descendants who live north of the Dry River being the least similar to Standard English.
Walker, James A. & Meyerhoff, Miriam. 2006. Zero copula in the Eastern Caribbean: Evidence from Bequia. American Speech 81(2): 146–163.
Zero copula is analyzed on the Eastern Caribbean island of Bequia, where a mesolectal creole variety coexists with a nonstandard English variety.
Walker, James A. & Meyerhoff, Miriam. 2013. Studies of the community and the individual. In Oxford Handbook of Sociolinguistics, Robert Bayley, Richard Cameron & Ceil Lucas (eds), 175-194. Oxford: OUP.
While exploring the issues involved in the individual vs. the community, the English spoken on the island of Bequia (St Vincent and the Grenadines) is used.
Walker, James A. & Meyerhoff, Miriam. Forthcoming; to appear in 2015. Bequia English. In The Lesser-known Varieties of English: Further Case Studies, Jeffrey P. Williams, Edgar W. Schneider, Peter Trudgill & Daniel Schreier (eds). Cambridge: CUP.
Provides a description of Bequian English.
Despite its small size (only 7 sq. miles) there is a surprising linguistic diversity on the island. Examines the variable negation in three communities. The authors conclude that there are multiple coexistent systems rather than a highly variable linguistic system.
Williams, Jeffrey Payne. 1985. Preliminaries to the study of the dialects of white West Indian English. New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-indische Gids 59(1-2): 27–44.
Describes original and offshoot settlements, historical to the present, of the Irish, Scots, and English on Barbados, St Vincent, Bequia, and Saba. Includes details and question on the phonology, morphology, and syntax.
Williams, Jeffrey Payne. 1987. Anglo-Caribbean English: A Study of its Sociolinguistic History and the Development of its Aspectual Markers. PhD dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin.
A sociolinguistic history of the dialects of Anglo-Caribbean English, including Bequia and St Vincent, is provided. The convergence and reanalysis of form/function relationships within grammar is shown to be one of the outcomes of dialect contact.
Investigates aspectual markers in the various English-derived Creoles of the Caribbean, including Bequia.
Williams, Jeffrey Payne. 2010. Euro-Caribbean English varieties. In The Lesser-known Varieties of English: An Introduction, Daniel Schreier, Peter Trudgill, Edgard W. Schneider & Jeffrey P. Williams (eds), 136-157. Cambridge: CUP.
A description of a continuum of lesser-known varieties of English spoken in small, relatively isolated enclave white communities in the West Indies is provided. Includes the community of Dorsetshire Hill, St Vincent.
Wilson, Carlos Guillermo. 1998. The Caribbean: Marvelous cradle-hammock and painful cornucopia. In Caribbean Creolization: Reflections on the Cultural Dynamics of Language, Literature, and Identity, Kathleen Balutansky & Marie-Agnes Souriean (eds), 36-43. Gainesville FL: University Press of Florida.
While primarily concerning the Garifuna after leaving St Vincent, the chapter does include discussion of the broad linguistic situation on the island prior to leaving.
Wilson, Samuel M. 1997. The legacy of the indigenous people of the Caribbean. In Indigenous People of the Caribbean, Samuel M. Wilson (ed.), 206-213. Gainesville FL: University Press of Florida.
Included in the discussion are mention of the linguistic connections, names for food and cooking, and place names.
The bulk of the book discusses Jamaican and Guyanese, but does include an interesting chart of the relationships between all of the Caribbean English Creoles.
Winford, Donald. 1997. Re-examining Caribbean English Creole continua. World Englishes 16(2): 233–279.
Occasional use of data from St Vincent in reviewing evidence of a creole continuum.
Young, Virginia Heyer. 1993. Becoming West Indian: Culture, Self, and Nation in St Vincent. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institute Press.
While language is not the focus, it is not ignored and the study includes the sociolinguistic use of varieties of language and quotes from texts in creole. Based on fieldwork done for six months in 1972, two months in 1984, and two months in 1986.