Article published In:
Cross-Linguistic Perspectives on the Development of Text-Production Abilities in Speech and Writing. Part 2
Edited by Ruth A. Berman and Ludo Verhoeven
[Written Language & Literacy 5:2] 2002
► pp. 163181
Cited by (58)

Cited by 58 other publications

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Jo, Claire W.
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2014. Cross-linguistic comparisons in child language research. Journal of Child Language 41:S1  pp. 26 ff. DOI logo
Berman, Ruth A.
2016. Typology, acquisition, and development. In Acquisition and Development of Hebrew [Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 19],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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Berman, Ruth A. & Bracha Nir-sagiv
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2005. Emergence of Linguistic Complexity in Later Language Development: Evidence from Expository Text Construction. In Perspectives on Language and Language Development,  pp. 337 ff. DOI logo
2005. Acquiring perspective in English: the development of stance. Journal of Pragmatics 37:2  pp. 185 ff. DOI logo
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2005. Becoming Proficient Educated Users of Language. In Perspectives on Language and Language Development,  pp. 375 ff. DOI logo
van Hell, Janet G., Ludo Verhoeven, Marjan Tak & Moniek van Oosterhout
2005. To take a stance: a developmental study of the use of pronouns and passives in spoken and written narrative and expository texts in Dutch. Journal of Pragmatics 37:2  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Berman, Ruth A. & Irit Katzenberger
2004. Form and Function in Introducing Narrative and Expository Texts: A Developmental Perspective. Discourse Processes 38:1  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo

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