Article published In:
Written Language & Literacy
Vol. 8:1 (2005) ► pp.118
Cited by (8)

Cited by eight other publications

Funke, Reinold
2022. Syntaktisches Schreiben an Übergängen. Die Großschreibung von Nomen. In Orthographieerwerb im Übergang,  pp. 177 ff. DOI logo
Chamalaun, Robert J. P. M., Anna M. T. Bosman & Mirjam T. C. Ernestus
2021. The role of grammar in spelling homophonous regular verbs. Written Language & Literacy 24:1  pp. 38 ff. DOI logo
Surkyn, Hanne, Reinhild Vandekerckhove & Dominiek Sandra
2020. From experiment to real-life data. The Mental Lexicon 15:3  pp. 422 ff. DOI logo
Surkyn, Hanne, Reinhild Vandekerckhove & Dominiek Sandra
Weth, Constanze
2020. Distinguishing Syntactic Markers From Morphological Markers. A Cross-Linguistic Comparison. Frontiers in Psychology 11 DOI logo
Morin, Marie-France, Denis Alamargot, Thierno M.O. Diallo & Michel Fayol
2018. Individual differences in lexical and grammar spelling across primary school. Learning and Individual Differences 62  pp. 128 ff. DOI logo
Schmitz, Tijn, Robert Chamalaun & Mirjam Ernestus
2018. The Dutch verb-spelling paradox in social media. Linguistics in the Netherlands 35  pp. 111 ff. DOI logo
Bosman, Anna M.T., Martijn van Huygevoort & Ludo Verhoeven
2006. Spelling feedback in an ICT-learning environment: Issues of proficiency, training efficiency, and transfer. International Journal of Educational Research 45:6  pp. 341 ff. DOI logo

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