9. Expression and translation of philosophy
Giorgio Colli, a master of time
Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari won the prestigious Wheatland Prize for Translation in 1987 for their translations and critical edition of the works of Nietzsche. That version in Italian (1960–1975) was the first collection of all of Nietzsche’s works in their entirety. The late and posthumous recognition of their work has been followed in 1995 by the project of the University of Washington to translate the Colli-Montinari critical edition of Nietzsche’s complete works into English, still in progress. But Giorgio Colli is also the author, the passeur, the translator, of Greek Wisdom (1977), a monumental project that aimed to reform Diels and Kranz’s famous edition of Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker with particular attention to the religious antecedents of Presocratic thinking. Colli’s premature death in 1979 interrupted the edition, which ended with the third volume (out of a projected eleven).