2024. Shedding new light on English loanwords in Croatian: computational-linguistic and corpus linguistic perspectives. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 60:3 ► pp. 257 ff.
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2024. Anglicisms in the Macedonian political discourse: A serious threat or a welcome addition. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT 12:1 ► pp. 169 ff.
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2024. English in Specialized Communication and its Impact on Spanish Medical Lexicon. Applied Linguistics
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2022. Linguistic purism and loanword adaptation techniques: the case of Polish. Language Awareness 31:1 ► pp. 95 ff.
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2022. A taxonomic approach to the use of English in the Italian media. World Englishes 41:2 ► pp. 271 ff.
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Ološtiak, Martin & Soňa Rešovská
2022. Neologisms of English Origin in Present-Day Slovak. ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries 19:2 ► pp. 87 ff.
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2021. The analysis of youth-related anglicisms among Bosnian youth - knowledge of their original form and meaning and attitudes towards them. ExELL 9:2 ► pp. 184 ff.
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Schaefer, Sarah Josefine
2021. Hybridization or what? A question of linguistic and cultural change in Germany. Globalizations 18:4 ► pp. 667 ff.
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2022. Global Englishes and the Semiotics of German Radio—Encouraging the Listener's Visual Imagination Through Translingual and Transmodal Practices. Frontiers in Communication 7
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2018. Effects of English L2 on Norwegian L1. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 41:3 ► pp. 275 ff.
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 17 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.