This article describes corpus-based research methods and language processing tools that are used for the systematic study of the influence of English on Norwegian lexis. The tools are developed in connection with the Norwegian Newspaper Corpus (NNC) project. The study presents a survey of the types of phenomena that an Anglicism detection tool should aim at identifying and the problems associated with the orthographic and morphological variability of Anglicisms. It also describes the development of an Anglicism detection tool and accounts for a set of experiments using lexicon-based, n-gram-based and combinatory methods. Finally it describes recently developed machine learning techniques that have been developed by the NNC team, arguing that the computational approach to Anglicism identification is a fruitful one.
Cierpich-Kozieł, Agnieszka, Elżbieta Mańczak-Wohlfeld & Alicja Witalisz
2023. English-Sourced Direct and Indirect Borrowings in a New Lexicon of Polish Anglicisms. Studies in Polish Linguistics 18:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
2022. Les hybrides – une catégorie redondante d’anglicismes ? Les hybrides dans les textes tchèques. Espaces Linguistiques :4
Schuring, Melissa & Eline Zenner
2022. English from Scratch: Preadolescents’ Developing Use of English Lexical Resources in Belgian Dutch. Frontiers in Communication 6
Zenner, Eline & Dorien Van De Mieroop
2021. The (near) absence of English in Flemish dinner table conversations. Applied Linguistics Review 12:2 ► pp. 299 ff.
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