References (8)

Further reading on ellipsis and coherence

Baumgarten, N.
2008Explicitness in translation and interpreting: a critical review and some empirical evidence (of an elusive concept)”, In Across Languages and Cultures, Akadémiai Kiado, 9, 2: 177–203.Google Scholar
Blanche-Benveniste, Claire
1997Approches de la langue parlée en français. Paris-Gap: Ophrys.Google Scholar
Busquets, J., Denis, P.
2001 « L’Ellipse modale en français ». In Cahiers de Grammaire 26: 55–74.Google Scholar
Carlson, K.
2002Parallelism and Prosody in the Processing of Ellipsis Sentences. New York-London: Routledge.Google Scholar
Hendricks, P.
2004 “Coherence Relations, Ellipsis and Contrastive Topics”. In Journal of Semantics, 21, 2: 133–153.Google Scholar
Kerbrat-Orecchioni, C.
1986L’implicite, Paris: Armand Colin.Google Scholar
Meyer, C. F.
1995 “Cordination Ellipsis in Spoken and Written American English”. In Language, Sciences, 17(3): 241–269.Google Scholar
Nariyama, S.
2004 “Subject Ellipsis in English”. In Journal of Pragmatics, 36, 2: 237–264.Google Scholar