Chapter 8
Complex noun phrases
Article outline
- 8.1.1Register distribution of noun phrases with pre- and postmodifiers
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.1.2Co-occurrence of modifiers with head noun types
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.1.3Discourse distribution of noun phrase types in academic prose
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.2Structural types of premodification
- 8.2.1Structural types of premodification across registers
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.3Meaning relations expressed by noun + noun sequences
- 8.3.1Noun + noun sequences across registers
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.3.2Plural nouns as premodifiers
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.4Noun phrases with multiple premodifiers
- 8.4.1Length of sequences of premodifiers
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.4.2Order of multiple premodifiers
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.4.3Coordinated premodifiers
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.5Restrictive v. non-restrictive postmodifiers
- 8.5.1Distribution of restrictive v. non-restrictive relative clauses
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.6Major structural types of postmodification
- 8.6.1Postmodifier types across registers
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.7Postmodification by finite relative clause
- 8.7.1The discourse choice among relativizers
- relativizers in non-standard dialects
- of relativizers across registers
corpus findings
Who v. which, that, and zero
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- v. whom, that, and zero
corpus findings
discussion of findings
Which v. that
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- choice between whose and of
Whose v. of which across registers
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- choice of the zero relativizer
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.7.2Grammatical role of the relative clause gap
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- clause gaps in conversation
- 8.7.3Subject v. non-subject head nouns
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.7.4Relative clauses with adverbial gaps
- adverbs across registers
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- nouns taking relative clauses with adverbial gaps
discussion of findings
- 8.8Postmodification by non-finite clause
- 8.8.1Participle clauses as postmodifiers
- and -ing forms of verbs in postmodifying
participle clauses v. relative clauses
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.8.2
To-clauses as postmodifiers
- types of postmodifying to-clause
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.9Postmodification by prepositional phrase
- 8.9.1Common prepositions in postmodifying prepositional phrases
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.9.2Choice of prepositional phrase v. relative clause
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.10Postmodification by appositive noun phrase
- 8.10.1Appositive noun phrases in news and academic prose
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.11Noun phrases with multiple postmodifiers
- 8.11.1Order of constituents in postmodifier complexes
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.12Noun complement clauses v. nominal postmodifiers
- 8.13Structural types of noun complement clause
- 8.13.1Noun complement clause types across registers
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.14Head nouns taking noun complement clauses
- 8.14.1Head nouns taking that-clauses
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- nouns that take both that-complement clauses and
relative clauses
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.14.2Head nouns taking to-clauses
- 8.14.3Head nouns taking of + ing-clauses
corpus findings
discussion of findings
- 8.14.4Head nouns taking wh-interrogative clauses