Part of
Text and Technology: In honour of John Sinclair
Edited by Mona Baker, Gill Francis and Elena Tognini-Bonelli
[Not in series 64] 1993
► pp. 157176
Cited by (372)

Cited by 372 other publications

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Huang, Ming
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2022. Discourses about independence: A corpus-based analysis of discourse prosodies in Spanish and Catalan newspapers. Discourse & Communication 16:5  pp. 525 ff. DOI logo
Grabowski, Łukasz
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Mockler, Nicole & Elizabeth Redpath
2023. Shoring Up “Teacher Quality”: Media Discourses of Teacher Education in the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia. In The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research,  pp. 933 ff. DOI logo
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2022. On the Importance of Raising Collocational Awareness in Translation Practices. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica 14:2  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
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2022. Searching for the unit of meaning: Knowledge construction in university small group talk. Applied Linguistics Review 13:5  pp. 899 ff. DOI logo
Porto, M. Dolores
2022. Water Metaphors and Evaluation of Syrian Migration: The Flow of Refugees in the Spanish Press. Metaphor and Symbol 37:3  pp. 252 ff. DOI logo
Ramos Ruiz, Álvaro
2022. sustantivos del discurso mediático del Brexit en la prensa económica española. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura Visual 9:4  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Ramos Ruiz, Álvaro
2024. La construcción mediática del coronavirus a través de los verbos empleados por la prensa europea. European Public & Social Innovation Review 9  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2022. Agreement through Language. In Agreement in Argumentation [Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, 31],  pp. 49 ff. DOI logo
Supanfai, Pornthip
2022. People or Persons?: A Corpus-based Study. rEFLections 29:3  pp. 603 ff. DOI logo
Wang, Xian & Yuelong Wang
2022. The Discrimination of the Synonyms of yǐnqǐ: A Corpus-Based Study. In Chinese Lexical Semantics [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13249],  pp. 56 ff. DOI logo
Zhang, Guichao
2022. Christoph Rühlemann: Corpus Linguistics for Pragmatics: A guide for research . Intercultural Pragmatics 19:4  pp. 537 ff. DOI logo
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2022. A Study of Semantic Prosody Acquisition as Reflected in Lexical Priming. Modern Linguistics 10:05  pp. 1013 ff. DOI logo
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2022. A COCA-Based Study on Synonym Discrimination in English—Taking “Agitate” and “Incite” as an Example. Modern Linguistics 10:04  pp. 791 ff. DOI logo
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2021. Polish LGBT Teachers Talking Sexuality: Glocalized Discourses. In Linguistic Perspectives on Sexuality in Education,  pp. 275 ff. DOI logo
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2021. Investigating ESL learners’ awareness of semantic prosody across proficiency levels. Language Awareness 30:3  pp. 234 ff. DOI logo
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2021. Lexical Priming. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2021. Complexité sémantique et scénarios discursifs du repentir. Travaux de linguistique n° 81:2  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
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2021. The discursive construction of accountability for communicative action to citizens: A contrastive analysis across Israeli and British media discourse. Intercultural Pragmatics 18:5  pp. 605 ff. DOI logo
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2020. Positive Appraisal in Online News Comments. In Studies in Ethnopragmatics, Cultural Semantics, and Intercultural Communication,  pp. 185 ff. DOI logo
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2020. Analyzing Concordances. In A Practical Handbook of Corpus Linguistics,  pp. 161 ff. DOI logo
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 17 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.