Information Structure, Discourse Structure and Grammatical Structure

ORCID logoBart Defrancq | Universiteit Hasselt
Gudrun Rawoens | Universiteit Gent
Els Tobback | Universiteit Hasselt
ISBN 9789027226860 | EUR 107.00 | USD 161.00
| EUR 104.00
This volume is a collection of papers dealing with the close connection between discourse and grammar, illustrating the many, sometimes conflicting, facets of that relationship in various European languages. Central to all contributions is their focus on diverse aspects of clause combination and on the various parameters, such as information structure, that have a special tie with clause combination. Most of the papers are centred around subordination as a grammatical structure and its status in a discourse. With a few notable exceptions, subordination has been thought of as part of the discursive background. This volume adduces convincing evidence from the field of deictic/anaphoric items, information structure and rhetorical structure in favour of a more nuanced approach to the status of subordination in discourse. It also illustrates how rhetorical patterns in discourse give rise, through a grammaticalisation process, to new interclausal dependencies.
[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 26] 2012.  v, 159 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 2 November 2012
Table of Contents
Bart Defrancq, Gudrun Rawoens and Els Tobback
Micro-syntax, macro-syntax, foregrounding and backgrounding in discourse: When indexicals target discursively subsidiary information
Francis Cornish
Influence of relational and referential coherence on the distribution of coordinated verb-second clauses in German and Dutch: A contrastive corpus-based case study
Geert Stuyckens
The rhetorical relations in complex sentences with quando (‘when’) in European Portuguese
Purificação Silvano
Adverbials in German: More on embedding and focus
Rainer Ludwig, Fabienne Salfner and Mathias Schenner
Emergent correlative concessivity: The case of German zwar… aber ‘true … but’
Torsten Leuschner and Daan Van den Nest
The role of genre in information structuring in English
Elma Kerz

Main BIC Subject

CF: Linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General