Descriptive Translation Studies – and beyond

| Tel Aviv University
HardboundReplaced by new edition
ISBN 9789027221452 (Eur)
ISBN 9781556194955 (USA)
PaperbackReplaced by new edition
ISBN 9789027216069 (Eur)
ISBN 9781556196874 (USA)
e-BookReplaced by new edition
ISBN 9789027285690
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A replacement of the author's well-known book on Translation Theory, In Search of a Theory of Translation (1980), this book makes a case for Descriptive Translation Studies as a scholarly activity as well as a branch of the discipline, having immediate consequences for issues of both a theoretical and applied nature. Methodological discussions are complemented by an assortment of case studies of various scopes and levels, with emphasis on the need to contextualize whatever one sets out to focus on.

Part One deals with the position of descriptive studies within TS and justifies the author's choice to devote a whole book to the subject. Part Two gives a detailed rationale for descriptive studies in translation and serves as a framework for the case studies comprising Part Three. Concrete descriptive issues are here tackled within ever growing contexts of a higher level: texts and modes of translational behaviour — in the appropriate cultural setup; textual components — in texts, and through these texts, in cultural constellations. Part Four asks the question: What is knowledge accumulated through descriptive studies performed within one and the same framework likely to yield in terms of theory and practice?This is an excellent book for higher-level translation courses.

[Benjamins Translation Library, 4] 1995.  viii, 311 pp.
Publishing status: Obsolete
Table of Contents
“Toury has written a highly thought-provoking book. It opens up new horizons not only to descriptive but also to applied translation studies. I hope the discussion between them will go on to their mutual benefit.”
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2023. La ambivalencia como estrategia subversiva de construcción identitaria en la traducción de Garçon manqué de Nina Bouraoui. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción 16:1  pp. 88 ff. DOI logo
El Boubekri, Abdellah
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2023. Topologies et terrains de la paratraduction. Meta 67:3  pp. 540 ff. DOI logo
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2023. Multiple constraints, multiple avenues. Translation in Society 2:2  pp. 167 ff. DOI logo
Gaszyńska-Magiera, Małgorzata
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Gentile, Paola
2023. Chapter 12. Combining translation policy and imagology. In Translation Flows [Benjamins Translation Library, 163],  pp. 225 ff. DOI logo
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2023. Who is an interpreter?. In Introducing New Hypertexts on Interpreting (Studies) [Benjamins Translation Library, 160],  pp. 148 ff. DOI logo
Gutiérrez Lanza, Camino & Cristina Gómez Castro
2023. Revision and retranslation of children's classics in modern-day UK and Spain: The case of Enid Blyton's The Famous Five and Malory Towers. Perspectives  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2023. Çeviri sürecinin sosyolojisi: Yayınevleri odağı. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :36  pp. 1484 ff. DOI logo
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2023. Translation in pre-trial phases of the judicial process: developing a norm-based framework to train translators working into Arabic. International Journal of Legal Discourse 8:1  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
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2023. Przekład i przemoc. Przekładaniec :46  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Itieba, Jill Laventor, Benard Mudogo & David Barasa
2023. Contextual Frames of Reference in the Translation of George Orwell’s Animal Farm to Kiswahili. Translation Studies: Theory and Practice 3:2 (6)  pp. 29 ff. DOI logo
Ivaska, Laura, Hanna Pięta & Yves Gambier
2023. Past, present and future trends in (research on) indirect literary translation. Perspectives 31:5  pp. 775 ff. DOI logo
Kelbert, Eugenia
2023. Romain Gary’s collaborative self-translations: Translational beyond translation. Meta: Journal des traducteurs 68:2  pp. 288 ff. DOI logo
Kunilovskaya, Maria, Tatyana Ilyushchenya, Natalia Morgoun & Ruslan Mitkov
2023. Source language difficulties in learner translation. Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 35:1  pp. 34 ff. DOI logo
Leńko-Szymańska, Agnieszka & Łucja Biel
2023. Terminological collocations in trainee and professional legal translations. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 9:1  pp. 29 ff. DOI logo
Lin, Xiaowen, Muhammad Afzaal & Hessah Saleh Aldayel
2023. Syntactic complexity in legal translated texts and the use of plain English: a corpus-based study. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10:1 DOI logo
Liu, Yuchen, Helena Casas-Tost & Sara Rovira-Esteva
2023. AD in China at the crossroads: a set of guidelines for localising AD scripts from Spanish into Chinese. Perspectives  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2023. Intercultural Translation Criticism of the LXX Nomos. Journal for Semitics DOI logo
Manfredi, Marina & Chiara Bartolini
2023. Integrating museum studies into translation studies: towards a reconceptualization of the source text as sensory experience in museum audio description and the notion of experiential equivalence. Translation Studies 16:2  pp. 261 ff. DOI logo
Marin-Lacarta, Maialen & Chuan Yu
2023. Ethnographic research in translation and interpreting studies. The Translator 29:2  pp. 147 ff. DOI logo
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2023. “Hola, Señorita. Do You Like Gazpacho?” Challenges and Trends in the Audiovisual Translation of Linguacultural Otherness in American Multilingual Animated Films and Their Italian Dubbed Version. Languages 8:2  pp. 116 ff. DOI logo
Monzón Rodríguez, Sofía
2023. Traducción, afecto y censura desde el mundo hispánico: Nightwood, de Djuna Barnes, y Tropic of Cancer, de Henry Miller. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción 16:2  pp. 429 ff. DOI logo
Moreno-Pérez, Leticia & Belén López-Arroyo
2023. Wine and translation: an analysis of phraseological units in English and Spanish wine technical sheets. Perspectives  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Ndizera, Vedaste, Telesphore Ngarambe & Evariste Ntakirutimana
2023. Power relations in Bible translation: a sociolinguistic analysis of selected English and Kinyarwanda passages from the book of Genesis. South African Journal of African Languages 43:1  pp. 10 ff. DOI logo
Neveu, Anne & Isabel Lacruz
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2023. THE EVOLUTION OF TRANSLATION THEORY: FROM PRESCRIPTIVE TO DESCRIPTIVE APPROACHES. In Translatology, Translation and Interpretation - Toward a New Scientific Endeavor, DOI logo
Obeidat, Mohammed M.
2023. Translating Culture in the Jordanian T.V. Comedy Series “al jar gabl al dar” (My American Neighbor) Into English. SAGE Open 13:3 DOI logo
OKUR, Ece & Yusuf POLAT
2023. Orhan Pamuk’un “İstanbul-hatıralar ve şehir” adlı eserindeki giysi adlarının Türkçeden Fransızcaya çevirisinin kültürel ögeler bağlamında incelenmesi. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :34  pp. 1366 ff. DOI logo
2023. DSÖ’nün COVID-19 ile ilgili yayınlarının Türkçe çevirileri: çeviri etiği bağlamında bir değerlendirme. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :37  pp. 1413 ff. DOI logo
2023. DSÖ’nün COVID-19 ile ilgili yayınlarının Türkçe çevirileri: çeviri etiği bağlamında bir değerlendirme. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi DOI logo
2023. Çeviri iş akışında makine çevirisi sistemleri ve sohbet robotlarının bütünleşik kullanımı. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :Ö12  pp. 739 ff. DOI logo
Pokorn, Nike K.
2023. Translation and diaspora. Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 35:2  pp. 262 ff. DOI logo
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