Tracking Language Evolution as an Interdisciplinary, Cross-Theoretical Enterprise
Special issue of Evolutionary Linguistics Theory 2:2 (2020)
[Evolutionary Linguistic Theory, 2:2] 2020. v, 103 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 15 January 2021
Published online on 15 January 2021
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Introduction: Language evolution as a cross-theoretical enterpriseLivio Gaeta | pp. 113–117
A complex system approach to language evolution: The case of regular versus irregular verbs in EnglishFrancesca Colaiori & Francesca Tria | pp. 118–126
What are the determinants of survival curves of words? An evolutionary linguistics approachFreek Van de Velde & Alek Keersmaekers | pp. 127–137
Reconsidering subjectification from the perspective of animal signallingNikolaus Ritt, Andreas Baumann, Eva Zehentner & Alexandra Zöpfl | pp. 138–152
Construction grammar for monkeys? Animal communication and its implications for language evolution in the light of usage-based linguistic theoryMichael Pleyer & Stefan Hartmann | pp. 153–194
Co-evolution of internalization and externalization in the emergence of the human lexicon: A perspective from generative grammar and cognitive linguisticsHaruka Fujita | pp. 195–215
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject