Journal of Language and Politics
Volume 20, Issue 6 (2021)
2021. iv, 150 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 13 October 2021
Published online on 13 October 2021
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Discursive (re)construction of populist sovereignism by right-wing hard Eurosceptic parties in the 2019 European parliament elections: Insights from the UK, Italy, the Czech Republic and SlovakiaMonika Brusenbauch Meislova & Steve Buckledee | pp. 825–851
Strongman, patronage and fake news: Anti-human rights discourses and populism in the PhilippinesJefferson Lyndon D. Ragragio | pp. 852–872
Retrieving the new from the legacy of history: Discourse and symbols of history in Modern TurkeyAlper Çakmak & M. İnanç Özekmekçi | pp. 873–893
The struggle between the power of language and the language of power: Pro- and anti-vaccination memes and the discursive construction of knowledgeMette Marie Roslyng & Gorm Larsen | pp. 894–912
Parrhesia, orthodoxy, and irony: A Foucauldian discourse analysis of the verbal politics of truth in the US Republican Party’s 2015–2016 presidential debatesJoon-Beom Chu | pp. 913–931
US-China trade negotiation discourses in the press: A corpus-driven critical discourse studyJiayu Li | pp. 932–953
Markus Rheindorf & Ruth Wodak (eds.). 2020. Sociolinguistic perspectives on migration control: Language policy, identity and belongingReviewed by James Simpson | pp. 954–957
Klaus Krippendorff & Nour Halabi (eds.). 2020. Discourses in action: What language enables us to doReviewed by Liqing Zhang | pp. 958–961
Jay M. Woodhams. 2019. Political Identity in Discourse: The Voices of New Zealand VotersReviewed by Kai Zhao | pp. 962–965
Ruth Wodak. 2020. The Politics of FearReviewed by Özgür Özvatan | pp. 966–970
Elisabeth Barakos. 2020. Language Policy in Business: Discourse, Ideology and PracticeReviewed by Sara C. Brennan | pp. 971–974
Book reviews
Main BIC Subject
CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009030: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Pragmatics