Functional Structure in Nominals
Nominalization and ergativity
This monograph offers an in depth investigation of nominalization processes across languages e.g. Greek, Germanic, Romance, Hebrew, Slavic. Adopting and extending the view that category formation does not involve any lexical operation (recently put forth within the framework of Distributed Morphology), it shows how the behavior of nominals as opposed to that of verbs follows from general processes operating in specific syntactic structures, and is linked with the presence or absence of functional layers (T, D, Aspect, v). It further defines criteria on the basis of which the organization of nominal functional structure can be determined. Moreover, it demonstrates how nominals split into several types, across languages and within a language, depending on the number and the type of functional projections they include. Furthermore, it substantiates the hypothesis that aspects of the syntax of DPs of nominative-accusative languages are strikingly similar to aspects of the syntax of ergative languages and discusses aspects of the syntax of the perfect. The book targets researchers in theoretical linguistics, comparative syntax, morphology and typology. It can also be used as a foundation book on the morpho-syntax of nominals, argument structure and word formation.
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 42] 2001. x, 231 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Published online on 21 October 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements | p. ix
1. Introduction | p. 1
2. The Functional Architecture of Nominalizations | p. 27
3. Intransitivity in Nominalization | p. 77
4. Variation in Functional Structure | p. 127
5. Nominalizations and Ergativity | p. 167
6. Conclusion | p. 211
Index | p. 229
“I gladly recommend this fine book to anyone interested in (a subset of) the issues discussed, even though the style of writing is not the easiest to follow at time.”
Kleanthes K. Grohmann, University of Cologne, Language 79(1), 2003
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