The Contextualization of Language
This volume suggests a novel treatment of context in the analysis of everyday interaction. On a theoretical level, it advocates a switch of focus from 'context' as a preestablished, monolithic category which constringes co-participants' verbal and nonverbal behaviour, to an active notion of 'contextualization': in order to make oneself understood, participants have to establish and maintain those shared contextual frames which in turn are relevant to the local interpretation of their verbal and nonverbal activities. On an empirical level, the volume contains exemplary analyses that show how participants employ 'contextualization cues' of prosodic (rhythm, intonation, tempo, etc.) or nonverbal (gaze, gesture, etc.) nature in order to 'achieve context'.The volume is also an appraisal of the theory of contextualization developed by John Gumperz. In their contributions, researchers from various schools of research, such as conversation analysis, micro-ethnography, phonetics/phonology and metapragmatics, relate their work to this theory.
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 22] 1992. xvi, 402 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 8 April 2011
Published online on 8 April 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface | p. vii
I. Theory of Contextualization
Introduction: John Gumperz’ Approach to ContextualizationPeter Auer | p. 1
Contextualization RevisitedJohn J. Gumperz | p. 39
The Indeterminancy of Contextualization: When Is Enough Enough?Michael Silverstein | p. 55
II. Gesture and Other Visible Behaviour
Context, Activity and ParticipationCharles Goodwin and Marjorie H. Goodwin | p. 77
Gesture’s Discreet Tasks: Multiple Relevancies in Visual Conduct and in the Contextualisation of LanguageChristian Heath | p. 101
CommentsVolker Hinnenkamp | p. 129
Previews: Gestures at the Transition PlaceJürgen Streeck and Ulrike Hartge | p. 135
The return Gesture: Some Remarks on Context, Inference, and Iconic GestureMichel de Fornel | p. 159
III. Prosody
Gendered ContextsJenny Cook-Gumperz | p. 177
Theatrical Moments: On Contextualizing Funny and Dramatic moods in the Course of Telling a Story in Conversation | p. 199
CommentsSusanne Günthner | p. 223
Intonation as a Contextualization Device: Case Studies on the Role of Prosody, Especially Intonation, in Contextualizing Story Telling in ConversationMargret Selting | p. 233
CommentsJohannes Schwitalla | p. 259
Continuing and RestartingJohn Local | p. 273
Contextualizing Relevance: On Some Forms and Functions of Speech Rate Changes in Everyday ConversationSusanne Uhmann | p. 297
Contextualizing Discourse: The Prosody of Interactive RepairElizabeth Couper-Kuhlen | p. 337
They Know All the Lines: Rhythmic Organization and Contextualization in a Conversational Listing Routine | p. 365
Index | p. 399
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