de Oliveira, Milene Mendes & Melisa Stevanovic
Interculturality and decision making: Pursuing jointness in online teams.
Intercultural Pragmatics 21:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Huang, Xu & Yongping Ran
Nǐ kànzhe bàn ba: negotiating complaint solutions in e-shopping service encounters.
Text & Talk 44:5
► pp. 597 ff.

Kalari, Tuuli
Propositions and alignment as constructs of cooperation in multiprofessional–client meeting interactions.
Nordic Social Work Research ► pp. 1 ff.

Solem, Marit Skarbø, Anne Marie Dalby Landmark, Elizabeth Stokoe & Karianne Skovholt
Assessment in practice: achieving joint decisions in oral examination grading conversations.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 68:7
► pp. 1522 ff.

Virtanen, Mikko T & Riikka Nissi
Negotiating joint commitment in collaborative work project: Focus on text-based requests and news deliveries in atypical work.
Discourse Studies 26:3
► pp. 402 ff.

Ekström, Mats & Melisa Stevanovic
Conversation analysis and power: examining the descendants and antecedents of social action.
Frontiers in Sociology 8

Magnusson, Simon & Melisa Stevanovic
Sexual consent as an interactional achievement: Overcoming ambiguities and social vulnerabilities in the initiations of sexual activities.
Discourse Studies 25:1
► pp. 68 ff.

Nicolaisen, Emilie Munch & Gitte Rasmussen
Multimodal methods for managing deontic rights in interdisciplinary trials.
Multimodality & Society 3:4
► pp. 399 ff.

Tuomenoksa, Asta, Suzanne Beeke & Anu Klippi
People with aphasia and their family members proposing joint future activities in everyday conversations: A conversation analytic study.
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 58:2
► pp. 310 ff.

Hao, Quanxi, Hui Guo, Chuntao Li & Shuai Yang
Subsequent Actions Engendered by the Absence of an Immediate Response to the Proposal in Mandarin Mundane Talk.
Frontiers in Psychology 13

Conversation Analysis of Calls in Long-distance Caregiving.
Japanese Sociological Review 73:2
► pp. 136 ff.

Pick, Ina
Der Handlungskomplex Entscheiden am Beispiel der „Unterstützten Entscheidungs-findung“ in der rechtlichen Betreuung.
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik 2022:77
► pp. 253 ff.

Stevanovic, Melisa, Samuel Tuhkanen, Milla Järvensivu, Emmi Koskinen, Camilla Lindholm, Jenny Paananen, Enikö Savander, Taina Valkeapää & Kaisa Valkiaranta
Making Food Decisions Together: Physiological and Affective Underpinnings of Relinquishing Preferences and Reaching Decisions.
Sage Open 12:1

Stevanovic, Melisa, Taina Valkeapää, Elina Weiste & Camilla Lindholm
Joint decision making in a mental health rehabilitation community: The impact of support workers’ proposal design on client responsiveness.
Counselling Psychology Quarterly 35:1
► pp. 129 ff.

Tiitinen, Sanni & Tea Lempiälä
Two Social Functions of Stepwise Transitions When Discussing Ideas in Workplace Meetings.
International Journal of Business Communication 59:3
► pp. 355 ff.

Webb, Joseph, David Wilkins & Richard Martin
(How) are decisions made in child and family social work supervisions?.
Qualitative Social Work 21:6
► pp. 1252 ff.

Weiste, Elina, Miira Niska, Taina Valkeapää & Melisa Stevanovic
Goal Setting in Mental Health Rehabilitation: References to Competence and Interest as Resources for Negotiating Goals.
Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health 9:4
► pp. 409 ff.

Baldauf-Quilliatre, Heike & Isabel Colón De Carvajal
Séquences de guidage dans des sessions de jeux vidéo : comment co-construire la programmation d’une action dans l’interaction ?.
Langages N° 221:1
► pp. 107 ff.

Koskinen, Emmi, Samuel Tuhkanen, Milla Järvensivu, Enikö Savander, Taina Valkeapää, Kaisa Valkia, Elina Weiste & Melisa Stevanovic
The Psychophysiological Experience of Solving Moral Dilemmas Together: An Interdisciplinary Comparison Between Participants With and Without Depression.
Frontiers in Communication 6

Magnusson, Simon
Establishing jointness in proximal multiparty decision-making: The case of collaborative writing.
Journal of Pragmatics 181
► pp. 32 ff.

Ong, Ben, Scott Barnes & Niels Buus
Downgrading Deontic Authority in Open Dialogue Reflection Proposals: A Conversation Analysis.
Family Process 60:4
► pp. 1217 ff.

Ong, Ben, Scott Barnes & Niels Buus
Developing multiple perspectives by eliding agreement: A conversation analysis of Open Dialogue reflections.
Discourse Studies 24:1
► pp. 47 ff.

Paananen, Jenny, Melisa Stevanovic & Taina Valkeapää
Expressing thinking in institutional interaction: Stancetaking in mental health rehabilitation group discussions.
Journal of Pragmatics 184
► pp. 152 ff.

Stevanovic, Melisa, Samuel Tuhkanen, Milla Järvensivu, Emmi Koskinen, Enikö Savander, Kaisa Valkia & Dennis Tay
Physiological responses to proposals during dyadic decision-making conversations.
► pp. e0244929 ff.

Thompson, Sandra A., Barbara A. Fox & Chase Wesley Raymond
Hofstetter, Emily
Thinking with the Body: Embodying Thinking as a Practice in Board Games. In
Discursive Psychology and Embodiment,
► pp. 247 ff.

Laury, Ritva & Marja-Liisa Helasvuo
Laury, Ritva, Marja-Liisa Helasvuo & Janica Rauma
Ristimäki, Hanna-Leena, Sanni Tiitinen, Pirjo Juvonen-Posti & Johanna Ruusuvuori
Collaborative decision-making in return-to-work negotiations.
Journal of Pragmatics 170
► pp. 189 ff.

Stevanovic, Melisa & Sonja E. Koski
Intersubjectivity and the domains of social interaction: proposal of a cross-sectional approach.
Psychology of Language and Communication 22:1
► pp. 39 ff.

Lindström, Jan, Camilla Lindholm & Ritva Laury
The interactional emergence of conditional clauses as directives: constructions, trajectories and sequences of actions.
Language Sciences 58
► pp. 8 ff.

Mondada, Lorenza & Kimmo Svinhufvud
Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth & Marja Etelämäki
Nominated actions and their targeted agents in Finnish conversational directives.
Journal of Pragmatics 78
► pp. 7 ff.

Ekberg, Katie & Amanda LeCouteur
Clients’ resistance to therapists’ proposals: Managing epistemic and deontic status.
Journal of Pragmatics 90
► pp. 12 ff.

Nissi, Riikka
From entry proposals to a joint statement: Practices of shared text production in multiparty meeting interaction.
Journal of Pragmatics 79
► pp. 1 ff.

Nissi, Riikka
Spelling out consequences: Conditional constructions as a means to resist proposals in organisational planning process.
Discourse Studies 18:3
► pp. 311 ff.

Stevanovic, Melisa
Displays of uncertainty and proximal deontic claims: The case of proposal sequences.
Journal of Pragmatics 78
► pp. 84 ff.

Stevanovic, Melisa
Social deontics: A nano‐level approach to human power play.
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48:3
► pp. 369 ff.

Stevanovic, Melisa
Three Multimodal Action Packages in Responses to Proposals During Joint Decision-Making: The Embodied Delivery of Positive Assessments Including the Finnish Particle Ihan “Quite”.
Frontiers in Communication 6

Stevanovic, Melisa
Deontic authority and the maintenance of lay and expert identities during joint decision making: Balancing resistance and compliance.
Discourse Studies 23:5
► pp. 670 ff.

Pälli, Pekka & Esa Lehtinen
Making objectives common in performance appraisal interviews.
Language & Communication 39
► pp. 92 ff.

Stevanovic, Melisa & Maria Frick
Singing in interaction.
Social Semiotics 24:4
► pp. 495 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 24 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.