Article published In:
Studies in Language: Online-First ArticlesAsymmetry in temporal specification between affirmation and negation
Adverbials and tense-aspect neutralization
One cross-linguistically recurrent asymmetry between affirmation and negation is the neutralization of
tense-aspect distinctions in negatives. A functional explanation proposed for this is that in their typical discourse context
negatives have less need for temporal specification than affirmatives and in some languages this discourse preference is reflected
as fewer tense-aspect distinctions in grammar. To examine whether such a discourse preference exists, we compare the use of
temporal adverbials in affirmatives and negatives in English, Finnish and Korean corpus data. The results provide qualified
support for the hypothesized discourse preference: in English and Korean, affirmatives are likelier to have temporal adverbials
than negatives, but Finnish shows no statistically significant difference. In English and Finnish, affirmatives are likelier than
negatives to contain adjuncts indicating temporal position. Verb semantics is found to interact with temporal specifications. The
study also uncovers further differences between affirmatives and negatives in the use of adverbials.
Keywords: negation, adverbial, temporal, typology, functional explanation
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background
- 2.1Negation
- 2.2Adverbials
- 2.3Hypothesis
- 3.Material and method
- 4.Results
- 4.1Adverbial types in affirmatives and negatives in the data
- 4.2Temporal adjuncts in affirmatives and negatives
- 5.Discussion and conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
- Abbreviations
Available under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license.
For any use beyond this license, please contact the publisher at [email protected].
Published online: 6 May 2024
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