The Architect of Modern Catalan
Selected writings
Hardbound – Not for resale
Pompeu Fabra (1868-1948) is renowned as the person who reformed and codified modern Catalan, giving it the condition of a normativised language of culture that proved fit to meet all the challenges of the twentieth century. The context in which he worked was defined by the ideology and momentum of a dynamic Catalan nationalism emerging out of the nineteenth-century cultural revival movement, energies which have continued to affect politics in the Spanish state through to the present. The imposing corpus of Fabra’s writings —newspaper articles, lectures and papers, various grammars and the redaction of the official dictionary of Catalan— covered all aspects of the normativisation and the social normalisation of a rejuvenated national language. His work was, moreover, abreast of the most advanced developments in the newly emerging discipline of modern linguistics.The present volume was conceived in response to expressions of disappointment that the figure and the intellectual contributions of Pompeu Fabra have remained virtually unrecognised internationally. Some rectification of this situation is offered by this first ever translation into English of a representative selection of his writings, accompanied by the first substantial study on him in that language. In this way his work should be made much more accessible to the international community of linguists and of specialists in various branches of the social sciences, for whom Fabra’s exclusive dedication to Catalan retains great relevance.
[Not in series, 150] 2009. xxxii, 240 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 13 October 2009
Published online on 13 October 2009
© Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Univ. Pompeu Fabra & John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements | p. xi
The Pompeu Fabra University and the Architect of modern CatalanJoan Josep Moreso | pp. xiii–xv
Pompeu FabraSalvador Giner | pp. xvii–xix
Pompeu Fabra: A universal linguistJoan Martí i Castells | pp. xxi–xxiv
PrologueGeorg Kremnitz | pp. xxv–xxxii
1. General presentationJoan Costa Carreras | pp. 1–2
2. The Catalan languageJoan Costa Carreras and Alan Yates | pp. 3–28
3. Pompeu Fabra: A life’s work in applied linguisticsJoan Costa Carreras | pp. 29–101
4. Presentation of the edition | pp. 103–112
Selected writings of Pompeu Fabra | pp. 113–219
Index of names and concepts | pp. 221–240
“[...] a major contribution to the burgeoning field of Catalan studies. It will be a stimulus to researchers interested in questions of language problems and language planning.”
Frank Nuessel, University of Linguistics, in Language Problems and Language Planning, Vol. 34:3 (2010)
“El volum [...] es decanta per destacar la faceta de Fabra coma divulgador de la llengua catalana. És una contribució de relleu a l'extensió del coneixement de l'obra de Fabra en el pla internacional, perquè dóna a conèixer a lingüistes d'arreu una selecció representativa de la feina portada a terme pel pare del català modern.”
Daniel Casals and Neus Faura, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, in Estudis Romànics, Vol. 33 (2011)
“[Das Buch] zielt darauf ab, Person und Werk des Sprachnormierers einem linguistisch versierten, aber katalanistisch kaum informierten Fachpublikum näherzubringen [...]. Diesem Ziel wird die Publikation gerecht. Ihr Anliegen geht aber deutlich weiter: die Herausgeber Costa und Yates kontextualisieren Fabras Werk im politisch-sozialen, kulturell-künstlerischen und geistesgeschichtlich-ideologischen Umfeld seiner Zeit [...]. Das Buch kann dank der Synthesekapitel 2 und 3 auch als Einführung in das Katalanische schlechthin [...] verwendet werden. Es schließt damit gleich mehrere Lücken im Segment der Überblickswerke.”
Claus D. Pusch, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, in Zeitschrift für Katalanistik 24:364-366.
“The selection of expertly translated articles and 'philological conversations' is prefaced by detailed analyses of both the sociolinguistic history of Catalan language and of the oeuvre of Pompeu Fabra in relation to his linguistic world view. [...] This book will hopefully succeed in bringing the dynamic linguistic theory of Catalan to the attention of a wider audience and, as such, will provide language policy and planning theoreticians with in-depth knowledge of a potentially illuminating and informative case study. [...] this is an excellent overall collection that brings the work of a very important language practitioner to the attention of a much larger readership.”
James Hawkey, University of London, in Language Policy (2010) 9:277-279
“Den Bearbeitern gelingt es, trotz der Fülle der wissenschaftlich hochwertigen Materialien eine sinnvolle Auswahl zu treffen und so ein beeindruckendes Panorama des reichen Schaffens Pompeu Farbras aufzuzeigen. [...] Natürlich will und kann der vorliegende Band nur Auszüge des wichtigen Normierungswerks Fabras für ein Fachpublikum darstellen, das des Katalanischen nicht oder kaum mächtig ist. [...] Das Buch bietet aber gerade auch durch seine zusammenfassenden und einleitenden Kapitel 2 und 3 einen ersten Einstieg in die (sozio-)linguistischen Grundlagen des modernen Katalanischen und ist damit auch als Studienbuch zur sozialen Geschichte des Katalanischen gut geeignet.”
Katharina Wieland, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, in Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, Band 129, heft 2, Seiten 529-531.
Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Costa-Carreras, Joan, Carla Amorós-Negre & Miquel Àngel Pradilla Cardona
2023. ‘Compositionality’ in comparative standardology. In Desired Language [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 35], ► pp. 203 ff. 
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Main BIC Subject
CF/2ADC: Linguistics/Catalan
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General