E-book collections

Through our platform for electronic books and journals, jbe-platform.com, we offer e-book collections with back volumes per series and per subject. These collections are available ‘as is’; for customers who prefer to make their own selection, a pick & choose option is available. All collections are sold in EUR via our Amsterdam office.

To order please contact bookorder at benjamins.nl.

John Benjamins e-Book Collections folder (PDF file) – updated 2022-08-18

Collection pricing and discounts in Excel format. – updated 2023-01-31

All collections in KBART format (ZIP file). – updated 2023-01-31


Excel-files listing the titles contained in each collection:

Complete backlist collection (up to 2015)

Complete backlist (3208 titles, 1967–2015) – updated 2023-01-31

Year collections

All titles published in 2016 (147 titles) – updated 2023-01-31

All titles published in 2017 (152 titles) – updated 2021-01-26

All titles published in 2018 (152 titles) – updated 2023-01-31

All titles published in 2019 (119 titles) – updated 2023-01-31

All titles published in 2020 (131 titles) – updated 2023-01-31

All titles published in 2021 (118 titles) 

All titles published in 2022 (96 titles) 

Subject backlist collections (up to 2015)

Communication Studies (152 titles, 2000–2015) – updated 2021-01-26

Linguistics (2773 titles, 1967–2015) – updated 2023-01-31

Literary Studies (221 titles, 1971–2015) – updated 2023-01-31

Philosophy (254 titles, 1969–2015)

Pragmatics (804 titles, 1978–2015) – updated 2021-01-26

Psychology (246 titles, 1978–2015) – updated 2018-01-25

Semiotics (98 titles, 1967–2015) – updated 2018-01-25

Translation Studies & Terminology (201 titles, 1978–2015) – updated 2023-01-31

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Series backlist collections (up to 2015)

AILA Applied Linguistics Series (vols. 1–14, 2008–2015) – 14 titles – updated 2021-01-26

Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics, 1800–1925 (vols. 1–18, 1999–2013) – 18 titles

Advances in Consciousness Research (vols. 1–92, 1995–2015) – 91 titles

Advances in Organization Studies (vols. 1–12, 1999–2004) – 11 titles

ATA Scholarly Monograph Series (vols. I–XVII, 1987–2012) – 17 titles

Benjamins Current Topics (vols. 1–81, 2007–2015) – 81 titles

Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie (vols. 1–56, 1982–2015) – 57 titles

Benjamins Translation Library (vols. 1–118, 1994–2015) – 115 titles – updated 2023-01-31

Constructional Approaches to Language (vols. 1–18, 2004–2015) – 18 titles

Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research (vols. 1–17, 2000–2015) – 17 titles

Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages (vols. I–XXVII, 1973–2014) – 27 titles

Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (vols. 1–335, 1975–2015) – 335 titles – updated 2021-01-26

Classics in Psycholinguistics (vols. 1–5, 1978–1994) – 5 titles

Creole Language Library (vols. 1–51, 1986–2015) – 51 titles – updated 2020-01-16

Culture and Language Use (vols. 1–14,16–17, 2010–2015) – 16 titles – updated 2018-01-25

Critical Theory (vols. 1–11, 1985–1993) – 11 titles

Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture (vols. 1–65, 2002–2015) – 65 titles – updated 2020-01-16

Document Design Companion Series (vols. 1–7, 2001–2006) – 7 titles

Dialogues on Work and Innovation (vols. 1–15, 1996–2004) – 14 titles

Dialogue Studies (vols. 1–27, 2007–2015) – 27 titles

Foundations of Semiotics (vols. 1–25, 1983–2001) – 25 titles

German Language and Literature Monographs (vols. 1–12, 1976–1982) – 12 titles

Human Cognitive Processing (vols. 1–51, 1998–2015) – 51 titles

Hamburg Studies on Multilingualism (vols. 1–15, 2003–2013) and Hamburg Studies on Linguistic Diversity (vols. 1–4, 2013–2015) – 19 titles

Iconicity in Language and Literature (vols. 1–14, 1999–2015) – 14 titles

IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society (vols. 1–40, 1997–2015) – 40 titles

Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today (vols. 1–226, 1980–2015) – 226 titles

Linguistic Approaches to Literature (vols. 1–20, 2002–2015) – 20 titles

Language Acquisition and Language Disorders (vols. 1–58, 1989–2015) – 58 titles

Lingvisticæ Investigationes Supplementa (vols. 1–31, 1979–2014) – 30 titles

Library and Information Sources in Linguistics (vols. 1–28, 1977–2003) – 26 titles

Language Learning & Language Teaching (vols. 1–44, 2002–2015) – 43 titles – updated 2018-01-25

Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe and Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics (vols. 1–70, 1979–2015) – 67 titles – updated 2017-03-24

London Oriental and African Language Library (vols. 1–4,7,9–10,12–19, 1994–2012) – 15 titles

NOWELE Supplement Series (vols.1–27, 1985–2015) – 26 titles

Pragmatics & Beyond (vols. 1–55, 1980–1986) – 55 titles

Pragmatics & Beyond Companion Series (vols. 1–6, 1985–1987) – 6 titles

Pragmatics & Beyond New Series (vols. 1–259 1988–2015) – 261 titles – updated 2021-01-26

Purdue University Monographs in Romance Languages (vols. 1–42, 1980–1992) – 42 titles

Studies in Corpus Linguistics (vols. 1–66, 1998–2015) – 73 titles

Studies in Bilingualism (vols. 1–48, 1991–2015) – 48 titles – updated 2021-01-26

Studies in Discourse and Grammar and Studies in Language and Social Interaction (vols. 1–28, 1992–2015) – 28 titles

Studies in the History of the Language Sciences (vols. 1–124, 1973–2015) – 123 titles – updated 2019-01-29

Studies in Language Variation (vols. 1–18, 2006–2015) – 18 titles

Studies in Narrative (vols. 1–21, 2001–2015) – 21 titles

Studies in Language Companion Series (vols. 1–171, 1978–2015) – 171 titles

Studies in Written Language and Literacy (vols. 1–14, 1994–2014) – 13 titles

Trends in Language Acquisition Research (vols. 1–16, 2001–2015) – 16 titles

Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice (vols. 1–16, 1999–2014) – 16 titles

Typological Studies in Language (vols. 1–110, 1982–2015) – 110 titles

Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature (vols. 16–35, 1982–2001) – 20 titles

Varieties of English Around the World (vols. G1–55, T1–9,1979–2015) – 64 titles

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