Dialogue Studies
By covering the whole range of language use, the growing field of dialogue studies comes close to pragmatics and studies in discourse or conversation. The concept of dialogicity, however, provides a clear methodological profile and allows us to structure the pragmatic ‘perspective’ and the ‘pan-discipline’ of discourse. It focuses on methodological premises such as: action and reaction; the integration of the human abilities of speaking, thinking and perceiving; dialogic interaction as the intentional effort to pursue definable goals and interests.
The series aims to cross disciplinary boundaries and considers a genuinely interdisciplinary approach necessary for addressing the complex phenomenon of dialogic language use. All disciplines that deal with the human ability of dialogic interaction from different perspectives, in everyday interaction as well as in institutional contexts, are addressed: linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, rhetoric, anthropology, applied linguistics, culture sciences, the media sciences, economics, jurisprudence.
The current state of research in science in general is characterized by a turning point from closed rule-governed models to open models of probability. In this sense, Dialogue Studies aims to support new ways of theorizing and opens up innovative cross-disciplinary advances in the complex. The series will be of interest to existing theoretical approaches to competence as well as empirical approaches to performance, bridging the gap between competence and performance by focusing on human beings and their competence-in-performance.
This peer reviewed series will include monographs, thematic collections of articles, and introductory textbooks in the relevant areas.
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Nicola Nasi
2024. x, 202 pp.
33 |
Edited by Jessica M.F. Hughes and Mariaelena Bartesaghi
2023. x, 214 pp.
32 |
Edited by Letizia Caronia
2021. vi, 385 pp.
31 |
Edited by Edda Weigand and István Kecskés
2018. v, 222 pp.
30 |
Edited by Ronald C. Arnett and François Cooren
2018. xiv, 286 pp.
29 |
Andrzej Zuczkowski, Ramona Bongelli and Ilaria Riccioni
2017. xiii, 311 pp.
28 |
Edited by Jarmila Mildorf and Bronwen Thomas
2017. ix, 296 pp.
27 |
Edited by Dale Koike and Carl S. Blyth
2015. vi, 314 pp.
26 |
Edited by Răzvan Săftoiu, Maria-Ionela Neagu and Stanca Măda
2015. xiv, 275 pp.
25 |
Edited by Andrzej Zuczkowski, Ramona Bongelli, Ilaria Riccioni and Carla Canestrari
2014. vii, 413 pp.
24 |
Edited by Sebastian Feller and Ilker Yengin
2014. xviii, 250 pp.
23 |
Edited by Luz Gil-Salom and Carmen Soler-Monreal
2014. xvi, 227 pp.
22 |
Edited by Roger D. Sell
2014. xv, 274 pp.
21 |
Edited by Julia Bamford, Silvia Cavalieri and Giuliana Diani
2013. xiii, 290 pp.
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Edited by Nadine Thielemann and Peter Kosta
2013. xi, 318 pp.
19 |
Edited by Roger D. Sell, Adam Borch and Inna Lindgren
2013. xii, 271 pp.
18 |
Edited by Lawrence N. Berlin and Anita Fetzer
2012. vii, 313 pp.
17 |
Edited by Stanca Măda and Răzvan Săftoiu
2012. vi, 284 pp.
16 |
Edited by François Cooren and Alain Létourneau
2012. xv, 348 pp.
15 |
Edited by Clara Ubaldina Lorda and Patrick Zabalbeascoa
2012. vii, 299 pp.
14 |
Edited by Roger D. Sell
2012. x, 263 pp.
13 |
Zohar Livnat
2012. vi, 216 pp.
12 |
Louise Phillips
2011. x, 198 pp.
11 |
Roger D. Sell
2011. xi, 392 pp.
10 |
Edda Weigand
2010. xii, 304 pp.
9 |
Sebastian Feller
2010. vii, 184 pp.
8 |
Gergana Vitanova
2010. vi, 175 pp.
7 |
Edited by Dale Koike and Lidia Rodríguez-Alfano
2010. xiii, 324 pp.
6 |
François Cooren
2010. xvi, 206 pp.
5 |
Edda Weigand
2009. viii, 410 pp.
4 |
Edited by Claudio Baraldi
2009. viii, 277 pp.
3 |
Elda Weizman
2008. xiv, 208 pp.
2 |
Edited by Edda Weigand
2008. xiv, 316 pp.
1 |
Edited by Marion Grein and Edda Weigand
2007. xii, 262 pp.
The series welcomes submissions. Book proposals, preferably structured along the lines indicated in our Guidelines for Book Proposals, can be sent to the editor:
Prof. Dr. Edda Weigand
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
FB 9 – AB Sprachwissenschaft
Aegidiistrasse 5, D-48143 Münster, Germany
When you are instructed to prepare your manuscript for production, please follow the Guidelines for Manuscript Submission.